What else is there?
Ano Lofos
22-11-2005, 09:54
I recently found out about this adress that tells you stuff about your nation http://nseconomy.thirdgeek.com/nseconomy.php
Is there something else? For exaple the army i have?
22-11-2005, 10:21
Your military is not actually part of the mechanics of the game, so these calculators like the one you posted can't tell you any morethan how much of your money is going towards the military. You determine your army through the roleplaying, in the forums. See the stickies in international relations for more information on militaries.
Ano Lofos
22-11-2005, 12:09
Where is the roleplaying of the game? Sorry for the noob questions!!!:sniper:
22-11-2005, 12:18
Where is the roleplaying of the game? Sorry for the noob questions!!!:sniper:
Most of it happens in the International Relations forum
Ano Lofos
22-11-2005, 13:09
You mean i post in the forum that i attack you and we continue the war for example? Whats the point on that? I mean does it have any affect to your nation?
English Humour
22-11-2005, 13:22
Darn, I thought this was one of those threads where people talk about how nationstates rule their life. The title made it seem like that.
Ano Lofos
22-11-2005, 14:19
Darn, I thought this was one of those threads where people talk about how nationstates rule their life. The title made it seem like that.
HAHA!! Yeah, it kinda did!!!!:)
23-11-2005, 02:37
You mean i post in the forum that i attack you and we continue the war for example? Whats the point on that? I mean does it have any affect to your nation?
In terms of the stats of your nation, it has no direct effect. War was never built into the game mechanics of NS, and never will be (except maybe in NS2, but probably not). You can roleplay different stats than your nation has, for example, if you had a massive WMD attack and your country had 300 million people, you could roleplay that you only have 100 million left, but the does not effect your actual statistics.