NationStates Jolt Archive


The Vortex Plains
24-10-2005, 02:37
Im sorry, I hope this isn't considered spamming, but you ahve to know.

Allow me to warn you about a spam gorup called the army of Maz. It appears that their sole pourpose is to find relatively large multiplayer sites, such as Nationstates, and spam untill all the threads are completley closed. They've done it before and i've heard from a friend outside the game that we may be their next target. be prepared."
24-10-2005, 02:43
He speeks da troof MAZ is one of the most powerful spamming groups on the web. I had a run in with them on my old forum page. I would prepare the 3 mods you have for a full scale invasion. They are ruthless and powerful.
Good luck, you will need it.
24-10-2005, 03:26
MAZ is willing to make allies with nationstates, I will act as a middleman for these talks if you choose to accept them. Telegram me with your response.

24-10-2005, 03:46
MAZ is willing to make allies with nationstates, I will act as a middleman for these talks if you choose to accept them. Telegram me with your response.


Roleplay material should go in the RP forums. Steaming bullshit should probably go in the spam forum.
New Pindorama
24-10-2005, 16:01
this should be in the Moderation forum if it's true...
24-10-2005, 23:50
He speeks da troof MAZ is one of the most powerful spamming groups on the web.
Ah yes. Here is the sum total of their powerful presence on the web, at least according to that unreliable source, Google.

Steaming bullshit should probably go in the spam forum.
25-10-2005, 02:04
hey its not my fault my douche nugget decided to warn you in this forum.
The Vortex Plains
25-10-2005, 02:12
this should be in the Moderation forum if it's true...

You're right. I'm sorry.

Zyten: Remember I know you off the game, and I do in fact know that you are not a significant part of the Maz army, as you make out, but a small and pathetic peice of humanity posing as someone important. Shut up.
25-10-2005, 02:17
wow sally is getting defensive....
25-10-2005, 03:07
You can both knock it off right now before we get to official warnings and forumbans and such.

~ Frisbeeteria ~
NationStates Game Moderator
The One-Stop Rules Shop