Attention Capitalist Nations!
15-10-2005, 00:27
Hello! I’m Einhauser, and I am here today to speak to you about a wonderful place where money is king! Tired of “commies” always ruining your roleplays? Or what about those oh-so-annoying Marxist monopolies?
If you are tired of them, then move to the Tradelands! We have a forums (, a core of veteran nations willing to pass on their extensive wisdom, and high positions up for grabs! Join now and help shape the future of our region by voting in the many polls that festoon our forums, or, if democracy isn’t your thing, participate in our Commodity Market! Buy, sell, and amass huge piles of cash, all in a friendly environment!
Whether past tech, future tech, modern tech, even fantasy tech, you are welcome here! Not into roleplaying? That’s fine! Just join up and hang out! So hurry up and join the best thing that ever happened to your nation: the Tradelands!
17-10-2005, 22:54
Alright, now that the main NS page is back up we can start recruitment again. So, come one! Come all!
19-10-2005, 21:15
23-10-2005, 00:32
I will never leave UCFN.
The Helghan Empire
23-10-2005, 02:37
Money is never king you fool! Money is the roots of all corruption and greed! I am sick to here of your capitalist recruitment!
23-10-2005, 05:46
OOC: That may be true, but in-game money is everything. Money is life itself in here.
27-10-2005, 18:38
27-10-2005, 22:07
No. Join UCFN, then you will also be able to beat the anticapitalist, left-wing UN.
Is that market with 7 or 8 stalls your idea of a trademarket?
Come to tyarana and visit the zoo...
28-10-2005, 18:09
To: The Leadership of Einhauser
From: Mr. John J. Adams, Speaker of the Parliament
We are displeased at the attempt of Capitalist Nations to join together. Capitalism is a curse and a disease on the world today and it must be kept under control. If we allow Capitalist Nations to run rampid, then the world will go to hell in a handbasket for the next hundred years. Captialist nations are corrupt and incompetant in their leadership abilities. The Pure Socialist Holy Empire will condemn this attempt at an alliance to harm the world.
you capitalist dog... the Nations of MEO will never
submit to such a tyrant rule...
you should join our family of liberation
the strenght of a democractic and socialist region
Join our region of Meo... for true strenght of the govorment lies
with the people.
28-10-2005, 22:04
To: The Leadership of Einhauser
From: Mr. John J. Adams, Speaker of the Parliament
We are displeased at the attempt of Capitalist Nations to join together. Capitalism is a curse and a disease on the world today and it must be kept under control. If we allow Capitalist Nations to run rampid, then the world will go to hell in a handbasket for the next hundred years. Captialist nations are corrupt and incompetant in their leadership abilities. The Pure Socialist Holy Empire will condemn this attempt at an alliance to harm the world.
capitalism is good. Socialism is soooooo evil.
29-10-2005, 07:09
capitalism is good. Socialism is soooooo evil.
Government Reply
How is it evil? At least my nation doesn't have TV shows that show immigrants beign blown up by landmines just to get citizenship. We let people in our Empire freely and give them great social eqaulity. We've just expanded our Empire to great lengths. No Socialist Naiton has ever mass murdered people, that is the Communists that do that.
The Helghan Empire
29-10-2005, 07:52
No Socialist Naiton has ever mass murdered people, that is the Communists that do that.
More like the Nazis you idiot. Duh! National Socialist a.k.a Nazi.
Free Farmers
29-10-2005, 17:59
More like the Nazis you idiot. Duh! National Socialist a.k.a Nazi.
Ha! The Nazis might have liked to call theselves socialists but they were clearly evil fascists! Also, uniting capitalistic countries! No! Socialism is supreme!
International Chess
29-10-2005, 18:11
Not all capitalists are evil, and not all socialists are evil. Because Nazis were socialists/fascists/whatever doesn't mean ALL socialists/fascists/whatever are evil.
Yes but the ignorance of some people on this forum is astounding.
Socialism is oppressive as it takes a lot of MY money away from me and forcibly gives it to someone else merely because they exist. That is disgusting and theft
29-10-2005, 21:54
Stop! Stop it! This is a recruiting thread, not a debate! Unless you are here for the region, get out!
Has the tradelands considered joining ACCEL? Link in my sig