Looking For a New Region...
The United Sith Empire
11-10-2005, 05:31
Here are my preferances:
1)The Region be FT oriented, better yet would be a Star Wars/Sith/Other Darkside themed Region.
2)Though I don't really care about regional size, something less then lets say...300 nations would be nice.
3)Though not exactly important, It would be nice if the region had an off-site forum...I just like those alot.
If something was not mentioned above, I don't care.
English Humour
11-10-2005, 12:29
The region of funny guys has like, 1/3 of what you want. An off site forum. Whoa.
11-10-2005, 12:37
I lead a region called UCFN. Its not FT oriented, as it is open to all tech levels. We are anti-UN. We also do have an offsite forum (http://s13.invisionfree.com/UCFN_Headquarters) , and its world-class. Please join us, we need new members if we wish to bring down the UN. One thing though, please move to UCFN refugee camp instead, as UCFN is being refounded.
11-10-2005, 12:38
Or you could just make your own region.
United Island Empires
11-10-2005, 19:22
I lead a region called UCFN. Its not FT oriented, as it is open to all tech levels. We are anti-UN. We also do have an offsite forum (http://s13.invisionfree.com/UCFN_Headquarters) , and its world-class. Please join us, we need new members if we wish to bring down the UN. One thing though, please move to UCFN refugee camp instead, as UCFN is being refounded.
Yeh, if you don't like the UN either move to UCFN, or, if your are also pro-economy, move to my region, the Lesser Antilles.
11-10-2005, 21:47
Yeh, if you don't like the UN either move to UCFN, or, if your are also pro-economy, move to my region, the Lesser Antilles.
I would prefer joinig me though. I am open to all nations that oppose the UN.
The United Sith Empire
15-10-2005, 10:00
Bump. In hope for abetter offer to come along.
You can move to Athar. We kind of fulfill all of the requirements:
1) You can colonize the two moons, or build your own space-bases near mine orbiting the Earth—I think that can be FT based;
2) We're a bit less than 300 nations (try 22);
3) We have an offsite forum, yay!
And lots of other amenities. If you're interested, move to Athar. If not, move anyway, because you might change your mind when you've actually experienced it.
What are you waiting for??
15-10-2005, 19:32
You could also move to United Ant Colonies. We meet at least one of your requirements, we have way less than 300 people and possibly a large thread dedicated to our region in another message board.
Telegram me for the the password.