Region Crashing
Great British Legion
11-10-2005, 02:10
:mp5:Region Crashing:mp5:
How is it done?
What needs to be done to ensure you succeed ?
Have you ever done it ?
Region Crashing: A bunch of nations move to another region to try and seize the UN Delegate position (aka invading). To ensure your success, try doing it as a long-term infiltration, gradually shifting all your endorsements to someone from your network. I've never done it, but read this article to find out more:
Oh, and have fun, and try not to post too many gun-shooting smilies. It annoys other, more serious posters around here. :)
~The Libertarian Concordance of Czardas
UnOfficial NationStates Nonmod
VC States
11-10-2005, 12:17
Region crashing sounds interesting my army are always looking for blood shed.
Scamptica Prime
11-10-2005, 17:34
I think thoguh if my region was prospering and I had a bunch of other natinos in their and we were having lots of fun, and then a group of nations invaded and took over ejecting us, I would be murderously mad, declaring a kind of jihad against them. And raise a huge ruckos about it and then re-invade with allies and kick ém out and blacklist em. :sniper:
11-10-2005, 17:54
I think thoguh if my region was prospering and I had a bunch of other natinos in their and we were having lots of fun, and then a group of nations invaded and took over ejecting us, I would be murderously mad, declaring a kind of jihad against them. And raise a huge ruckos about it and then re-invade with allies and kick ém out and blacklist em. :sniper:
That might not be wise...
If your region is prospering and you don't want to be invaded, you can simply set a password. And if you are invaded, they usually should not eject and perma-ban many (and often any) natives, so it is more likely that this would be illegal. Regiona crashing is a very sensitive and tricky area of site policy, and it needs to be done very carefully. It's also hard for non-mods - and probably even mods - to make definitive statements about it. That said, if you want to protect your region, I recommend a password.