how to....
10-10-2005, 13:42
How to move from Inoffensive Centrist Democracy to Left-Leaning College State with a powerful economy?
10-10-2005, 13:47
To go from an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy to a Left-Leaning College State, it would broadly appear that you would need to raise your personal freedoms, which would mainly mean civil rights. You'd do this by going for 'legalise' options on issues, I imagine, and perhaps alsp through strategic UN membership. You would need to keep your economic freedoms and political freedoms about level at a medium par. To improve your economy, choose pro-economy options; however, if you raise your economic freedoms too much, you may become a Capitalizt nation.
07-01-2006, 10:08
Sorry to bump this up people, but I have another question. I want my economy rating to be 'Frightening', yet I don't want to be classed as 'Capitalizt/Corporate Bordello/Capitalist Paradise/Free Market Paradise/whatever right-wing category'. Can someone help?
21-06-2006, 01:21
Capitalizt is actually left-wing i think... anyway, with high personal freedoms, you'll always get a left-wing state of some sort. although getting that kind of economy with that level of freedom is quite a challenge, it's doable. you're going to have to dismiss a lot of issues tho.
21-06-2006, 01:45
Capitalizt is actually left-wing i think... anyway, with high personal freedoms, you'll always get a left-wing state of some sort. although getting that kind of economy with that level of freedom is quite a challenge, it's doable. you're going to have to dismiss a lot of issues tho.
The UN categories are not based on that silly one-dimensional lift-right system. They are based on your nations level of Civil, Political, and Economic Liberties.
21-06-2006, 02:03
The UN categories are not based on that silly one-dimensional lift-right system. They are based on your nations level of Civil, Political, and Economic Liberties.
I know that... but we're talking both one-dimensional left wing as a want and 3d location on the political spectrum at the same time...
21-06-2006, 03:10
Why was the need seen to bump this thread up after six months?
The problem has been solved, anyway. (
21-06-2006, 04:01
Don't gravedig, please.