07-10-2005, 08:41
Region: Teldrassil
Current Members: 1
Region Type: Modern/Post-Modern Tech, both a geographical region and an alliance of nations.
Geography: Teldrassil is a subcontinent, roughly half the size of Greenland. In actuality, it is a gigantic tree reaching up into the heavens. Over the centuries, soil has sunken down and caked into the base and branches of the monstrous tree, effectively forming a natural solid bed which can be sown, built upon, etc. There are settlements, indeed entire cities at the base of the tree (where the roots sink below sea level), the coast of Teldrassil, so to speak. A network of light-rail tunnels reaches up from these sea-level settlements to the land above, the tropical landscape in the bows of the tree which houses the nations of the region.
I am hoping to form a tight knit regional alliance of a few mature and commited RPers who would regulary participate in regional storylines on these boards. All races and types of nations are accepted, though "Elfish" peoples are especially saught after. As I have stated, this is a modern/post-modern region, which means that fantasy elements will be used for flavor, but not on the field of battle. If we manage to bring together a nicely sized group of active RPers (say 10), a regional forum, website, and other such goodies will be put into effect. I'm in this for the long haul, and hope to find people who will be equally engaged and passionate about the telling of the story of this region. If interested, please post here, or telegram me. Cheers. ;)
Current Members: 1
Region Type: Modern/Post-Modern Tech, both a geographical region and an alliance of nations.
Geography: Teldrassil is a subcontinent, roughly half the size of Greenland. In actuality, it is a gigantic tree reaching up into the heavens. Over the centuries, soil has sunken down and caked into the base and branches of the monstrous tree, effectively forming a natural solid bed which can be sown, built upon, etc. There are settlements, indeed entire cities at the base of the tree (where the roots sink below sea level), the coast of Teldrassil, so to speak. A network of light-rail tunnels reaches up from these sea-level settlements to the land above, the tropical landscape in the bows of the tree which houses the nations of the region.
I am hoping to form a tight knit regional alliance of a few mature and commited RPers who would regulary participate in regional storylines on these boards. All races and types of nations are accepted, though "Elfish" peoples are especially saught after. As I have stated, this is a modern/post-modern region, which means that fantasy elements will be used for flavor, but not on the field of battle. If we manage to bring together a nicely sized group of active RPers (say 10), a regional forum, website, and other such goodies will be put into effect. I'm in this for the long haul, and hope to find people who will be equally engaged and passionate about the telling of the story of this region. If interested, please post here, or telegram me. Cheers. ;)