NationStates Jolt Archive

Looking for a region

06-10-2005, 04:09
Hey, I'm looking for a region to be it. I havn't been very active in NS for a long time and I am looking to come back to the game. I'm a very old nation (Almost 2 years). I would like to be in a region that is atleast slightly developed. If any region out there would like to have me join, i'd be more then happy too.
06-10-2005, 04:24
The Zanziik Republic, would be more then happy too have you join our more then slightly developed region. Please feel free to drop by and check out the region.
06-10-2005, 05:35
Depending on how active you can be now, and on what tech level you use, we may be interested in offering you a hand in getting back into this splendid game.
Ness Snorlaxia
06-10-2005, 06:03
I suggest that you join the region of Hyrule. We are a very developed region in NationStates, and we have much to offer nations that join:

-Do you want laid-back discussion? We're one of the more laid-back regions in NationStates, with discussion about almost everything.

-Do you want a posistion in the regional government? We offer that. Just nominate yourself, and you could be elected to that posistion!

We offer much more, including:
-The one-and-only Interactive Fun Dodecahedron!
-A draw-your-own plot map, where you can choose to draw your own map plot.
-Nature reserve, where you can show off your national animals!
-And much, much more!

Want more info? Check out the NSWiki page for Hyrule, linked in my sig. There's also the regional forum, located at!
The Helghan Empire
06-10-2005, 21:07
Hey, I'm looking for a region to be it. I havn't been very active in NS for a long time and I am looking to come back to the game. I'm a very old nation (Almost 2 years). I would like to be in a region that is atleast slightly developed. If any region out there would like to have me join, i'd be more then happy too.
Our region will be forever opened to you

Just as long as there are some rules you are to follow.
:coughs: Check region boards :coughs
Kiru Tao
07-10-2005, 02:29
The Asian Continent ( is always looking for new active members. Any form of government is welcome. Our size is small and cozy, only around 20 countries or so and exceedingly active at RP. The region has its own offsite board and a map.
07-10-2005, 02:32
Come to Malibu Islands. We have about 50 nations...whether that constitutes developed or not, I'm not sure.

1. Government.

vacant government positions, including Vice-President and Secretary of Foreign Affairs;
vacant Senate seats;
vacant Supreme Court seats;
vacancies in four (Republican, Democrat, Socialist and Monarchist) political parties;
many opportunities for lower-level involvement in ministries such as Defence, Commerce, Foreign Relations;
opportunity to help draft rest of Constitution, first segment having been ratified;

2. Land.
Our regional map currently has spaces for:

Eastern Europe
Central America
South-East Asia...and much more.

More land, including India, Scandinavia, Australasia, Iran and Iraq and more may become available on request.

3. United Nations.
We debate all resolutions, and elect a delegate. We also have UN nations to defend us from invasion, and ties with various defender groups. UN MEMBERSHIP IS VOLUNTARY, and we welcome strongly anti-UN nations as well.

4. International Relations.
We have several treaties with other regions, and are members of a variety of organizations and alliances. We also need Diplomats and Ambassadors.

5. Roleplay.

interest in Roleplay, including regional storefronts
about to set up a Civil War RP

6. Community.

active forums: politics, jokes, music, and whatever meets your fancy
super-cool website being made for us by his Gondeauness
regional services such as flag creation
help for new players

7. We generally rock.
We just do.

We are also about to begin work on The Malibu Herald, a regional newspaper. Writers/artists very welcome to help out with this.

So, come to Malibu Islands. If you don't want, we wish you luck with your chosen region...and put in a good word for us, and we might be able to see about a treaty or something.
07-10-2005, 02:40
OOC: Check out the FKC. The links are in my signature.
English Humour
08-10-2005, 01:20
Hey Hey! At least look at The Region Of Funny Guys, it is literally alright. We have very delveloped forums. You should check them out. Unfortunatly, you have to join them to view them, due to security issues. But hey, ....... yea!

Make sure if you join you tell us who you are:
Funny Guys Forums (
08-10-2005, 23:58
If I were you I would give some good solid thought to terra Novea 3. :)
Antimunro II
09-10-2005, 02:09
Alternatively if you want to join a growing invader-region-with-a-conscience I strongly recommend Republican Brotherhood.

Other than that I can recommend the regions Scarfaces, The Democratic Union, The Grenvali United - all top quality regions with top-quality forums.