New Free Columbia
25-09-2005, 18:38
Tel Aviv, City State of Tel Aviv Administrative Region
Basic Law: The City State of Tel Aviv
I From this point forward until an unforseeable end, the borders upon which we stand will be the City State of Tel Aviv Admistrative Region, otherwise refered to as Tel Aviv. This region will be a union of all nations who have been inducted into membership.
II Tenants:
.A The official languages of Tel Aviv shall be English and French, in that order of preference.
..1 All documents of law must be printed in French and English.
..2 The language of discourse shall be English or French, depending on the preferance of the citizens or the region.
..3 Hebrew will serve as the official auxilliary language of teh region. The use of Hebrew is not required, but reccomended.
.B A Government of, for, and by the people shall be set up following the institution of this document.
.C The captial of the region will be the City State of Tel Aviv
III Institution of this document
.A This Basic Law will be effective immediately, whereby, all nations located in the City State of Tel Aviv Adminstrative Region will cede ultimate authority to the government of that city.
Join Tel Aviv Today! This region is an Anti-Nazi Social Democratic region targeted towards moderate-liberal jews, anti-nazis, socialists, communists, social-democrats, and others. Be a part of the founding of this region, come to Tel Aviv!
We plan to become ally with the MT Army, Jerusalem, and others. This region is not recommened for Feederites, Nazis (spits), Fascists (spits), or Militant Zionists.
Basic Law: The City State of Tel Aviv
I From this point forward until an unforseeable end, the borders upon which we stand will be the City State of Tel Aviv Admistrative Region, otherwise refered to as Tel Aviv. This region will be a union of all nations who have been inducted into membership.
II Tenants:
.A The official languages of Tel Aviv shall be English and French, in that order of preference.
..1 All documents of law must be printed in French and English.
..2 The language of discourse shall be English or French, depending on the preferance of the citizens or the region.
..3 Hebrew will serve as the official auxilliary language of teh region. The use of Hebrew is not required, but reccomended.
.B A Government of, for, and by the people shall be set up following the institution of this document.
.C The captial of the region will be the City State of Tel Aviv
III Institution of this document
.A This Basic Law will be effective immediately, whereby, all nations located in the City State of Tel Aviv Adminstrative Region will cede ultimate authority to the government of that city.
Join Tel Aviv Today! This region is an Anti-Nazi Social Democratic region targeted towards moderate-liberal jews, anti-nazis, socialists, communists, social-democrats, and others. Be a part of the founding of this region, come to Tel Aviv!
We plan to become ally with the MT Army, Jerusalem, and others. This region is not recommened for Feederites, Nazis (spits), Fascists (spits), or Militant Zionists.