No Melnibone, Leng, Agharta, Tanelorn, R'Lyeh, Necropolis...
Oh well. Anyone have any useful advice for newbies?
make your name Hipothetical Who!!!
Holyboy and the 666s
18-09-2005, 22:55
When in doubt, type in random letters and add/remove vowels.
Either that or use a joke name.
Patriotic Finland
19-09-2005, 08:59
Unfortunately most RL-and popular culture-based names are already taken...
The Czardaian envoy
19-09-2005, 17:33
Make up anything that sounds like a nation, for example <random combination of letters><ending> (Hrikgathland), <acronym><ending> (Iatrotunia - I Am The Ruler Of The UNiverse), or <RL Country Name or other cool name><ending> (Bhutanistan).
Tack "New", "Neo", "Old", "Paleos", "Upper", "Lower", or "Imported" onto the beginning of a name (e.g. New Palestine, Greater Avren)
Or just steal the name out of a book/movie (e.g. The New Death Star) or as a tribute to Max, from one of his books (e.g. The US Alliance).
La Ciudad de Man
19-09-2005, 19:48
Try something spanish like mine.
I went for something sarf Lahndahn rather than Spanish, but thanks for the suggestion.