In Search of NEW Region
18-09-2005, 00:11
The great state of Versailes seeks to relocate in a small, active region with similiar political ideologies. The Holy Republic of Versailes is displeased with the reccent UN resolution to force countries into modifying their power source. It is our contention that such a move could severely cripple the economy's of corporate based nations and certainly would hamper growing economys. We are a country that believes in private enterprise, moral values and most political freedoms.
We are a new nation that hopes to one day play a large role in the politics of the world. It is imperative that we find a growing region that may not now hold power but that one day will wield heavy influences. If you are in such a region I would appreciate it if you contact my executive secretary by sending a telegram to my nation so that the legislature of my state can review proposals. It is our hope to bring several neighbor nations with us when we find our new home region. We thank you in advance for your proposals.
Prime Minister Lilivos
The Holy Republic of Versailes
Absolutely Anywhere
18-09-2005, 01:14
:) I have followed your instructions! Please TG me with your reply!
Northern Sushi
18-09-2005, 01:15
You would be welcomed to NWU :) . The region belives in regional democracy with a free election stating later this month. If interested in applying go to the airline website to request citizenship. UN membership and agreement of NSPABP ( :confused: see our regions NSwiki for more info on this) are required. We currently have 4 nations, but the main nations are active.
:rolleyes: Airline Immigration Site
Kiru Tao
18-09-2005, 02:25
You would be welcomed in the Asian Continent (; all forms of government are. We're reasonably sized, having about only 18 or so countries and RP is quite active in our region. We have our own offsite board complete with a regional map.
United Island Empires
18-09-2005, 10:45
Greetings Great Government of Versailes,
I am Joe Robinson, Foreign Minister for the Commonwealth of United Island Empires, and Ambassador for the Lesser Antilles, a small but economically powerful region that I believe is what you are looking for. We have around 50 members but we have expanded very quickly recently, with over 30 member joining in the last week! We also offer an alternative to the corrupt mass you have left. The LAEC (Lesser Antilles Economic Community) is open to all people in the region of the Lesser Antilles and if you move there, you will have an economically powerful union to join. This union we believe is better than the UN because it does allow you to mingle in international politics, but tries to help you economical, not hinder you, with things like free trade, and has no restricting rules.
We hope you consider our offer.
Yours Faithfully
Joe Robinson
Foreign Minister for the Incorporated Commonwealth of United Island Empires and
Official Ambassador for the Lesser Antilles
18-09-2005, 11:46
If you are interested in helping rebuild a region you are invited to join The Land Of The Free. At present only our puppet and our nation itself are located there, but I would like to see more nations join.