Young Fascists
13-09-2005, 03:27
Hello Im looking for a militant region preferably with Fascist views just definatly not communists. If you think you might be that region drop me a line in the message box for my region.
English Humour
13-09-2005, 11:58
Greetings Fellow Players, Spammers, Recruiters, and all the matter of people who think they're cool enough to be whatever they think they are (and then some),
I am from the Region of Funny guys, a region you can call it, cause I will not go any further to reveal stuff like that we have flying monkeys with rocket launchers or badge wearing badgers and banana phone fanatics...that ringtone is so awesome.
We live in Harmony. That's a crucial and special word there: HARMONY. Yeah that's right. If you're blind, I'm so sorry that you have to braille this all out. Or do you? Anyhow here's the difference between our region, and a normal region. The Region of Funny Guys name cannot be copied, cause well, we alreday took it! Other than that, we're laid back, funny, and oh, did I mention that we have flying monkeys with rocket launchers?
Oh yah, I did. Clearly, we all know that you're not newbs who think they're indestructible, so we'll just tell you that our region is "The Region of Funny Guys", for those people with short term memory loss. I have it too...or do I? I don't remember.
Anyhow, once you join, you'll know that everything we boast about it true, except for the thong wearing robots. Wait, did I mention that there were thong wearing robots? If I did, then we don't have any. But join anyways!