NationStates Jolt Archive

Xanadou Invites You

02-09-2005, 02:19
To join our devout region. Founded by: The Principality of Kurona
Technology: Pre-(Post)-Modern.
Regions: Three (Including my self)
U.N. Delegate: None


The only very large region in the world where time has stood still. More or less. There are many gaps in the time barrier, people talk and dress normally as many modern nations. The Region of Xanadou is large region, known for it's little connection with modern times.

LIFE: Farms are the dominate industry in Kurona. They are quite old fassiond, enjoying the conveninces of indoor pluming and running water. Litted by lanterns, and pit fires. Trought Farmers may live on or near the water with same conditions. Large wooden ships are seen sailing the high, and often stormy seas. Farmers or any people having hard times can sail on ships and be compensated for promoting travel aboard their ship. Dress is usually modern, it may depend a specific nation. Books and Newspapers are the dominate medias. Normal homes are pretty close to the same.

CLIMATE: Depending on where you are in the region, wether patterns change. Kurona sits stratigically in the middle, reciving the most rain, but also the harsher storms. The seas are often stormy and rough, even for the most experienced captians. It may take days to reach one country by large boat, weeks by small individual boats. Further Northern Regions get cold snowy winters, and cool-wet summers. Further Southern regions get hot-wet-dry summers, and mild or cool winters. Unless drought strikes.

MILITARY: Military does exist to certain levels. Automatic weapons, are common, even on the ships. All nations are soverign and may choose if they desire a military or not. Currently forming a small alliance called
"THE X-FACTOR MILITARY ACADEMY" for militant traning. Membership will be optional. However no airforces.

INTERNATIONL RELATIONS: Any country is free to associate with whomever it wants. Even more technological countries. Xanadou has no political enemies so far, and no invasions from neighboring regions has taken place.
No nation is a U.N. Member as of yet. U.N. Nations are premitted, but must abide by regional rules. U.N. Delegates do not have access to the World Factbook.

REGIONAL RELATIONS: Kurona has called for the region to hold monthly regional meetings for nations. This will help keep freindly relations with neighbors. Currently all relations are freindly.

Intrested? If so go to "world" Look up Xanadou, in "FIND REGION" Box and click "Move _____ To Xanadou today" Questions: Telegraph "KURONA" (Go to World, Look up "Kurona" in "Find Nation" Box)