NationStates Jolt Archive

Attention All Region Owners! Read for your own Saftey, NOT A RECRUITMENT POST!

Civil Unconpliancy
27-08-2005, 16:44
Any of you who have banned players in the past (which I am sure is almost all of you) might want to check there ban list. It seems my ban list has dissappeared since the crash of NationStates. You may expericence banned nations entering you region again. Please tell me if this has also happened to you, I would like to know if I am the only one.
Evil and all bad doing
28-08-2005, 09:03
it is most likely just to be nations that you banned in the 20hours before the game crashed.
Pompey FC
28-08-2005, 12:47
Yeah it would suprise me greatly if all nations who were on the ban list have been unbanned, not a problem for me anyway because I've got no one banned :D
New Dutch America
28-08-2005, 14:41
I banned one nation like two months ago and hes still there....
28-08-2005, 17:26
I probably speak for all the small region rulers when I say "I don't belive in banning people unless they really act stupid." Which is like never since all the mods get to them first.
Evil and all bad doing
29-08-2005, 16:03
pfc, what about vincent b?