09-08-2005, 09:11
Greetings my neighbors! I am King Johnstone I of Aregon. Before I enter my main subject matter, allow me to state the dillema I am faced with.
The Constitutional Monarchy of Aregon has been a member of a region known as the Principality of Prachya for many weeks. It is a socialist-prominent and socialist-ruled region. Now the region's parliament, as they call it, is taking a great step up in the global ladder by forming an alliance with the newly formed Maldov Pact and seeks more alliances with socialist regions. Prachya is also on a recruiting run, seeking newly formed nations, especially left-wing, to become part of the Principality. I'm not sure what is planned, but I am weary of being ruled by socialism. I was soon realizing that socialism is on a major offensive into global community. Their numbers and alliances are multiplying erradically in a global effort for their cause to liberate the people from the opression of the capitalist right. But this is not something I wish to be a part of.
Aregon is not left-wing, but it is certainly not right-wing. Is there or are there any Libertarian regions that are willing for at least two nations to add themselves to your roster? We seek to live in a peaceful region where the people are the most important in government rule. (Our regions are both "Civil Rights Lovefests") I seek a region where we can live in harmony with the enviornment and govern the people with wisdom and generosity.
Can anyone help us? Your help would be sincerely appreciated and your generosity would not be forgotten.
- King Johnstone I (The Constitutional Monarchy of Aregon)
The Constitutional Monarchy of Aregon has been a member of a region known as the Principality of Prachya for many weeks. It is a socialist-prominent and socialist-ruled region. Now the region's parliament, as they call it, is taking a great step up in the global ladder by forming an alliance with the newly formed Maldov Pact and seeks more alliances with socialist regions. Prachya is also on a recruiting run, seeking newly formed nations, especially left-wing, to become part of the Principality. I'm not sure what is planned, but I am weary of being ruled by socialism. I was soon realizing that socialism is on a major offensive into global community. Their numbers and alliances are multiplying erradically in a global effort for their cause to liberate the people from the opression of the capitalist right. But this is not something I wish to be a part of.
Aregon is not left-wing, but it is certainly not right-wing. Is there or are there any Libertarian regions that are willing for at least two nations to add themselves to your roster? We seek to live in a peaceful region where the people are the most important in government rule. (Our regions are both "Civil Rights Lovefests") I seek a region where we can live in harmony with the enviornment and govern the people with wisdom and generosity.
Can anyone help us? Your help would be sincerely appreciated and your generosity would not be forgotten.
- King Johnstone I (The Constitutional Monarchy of Aregon)