NationStates Jolt Archive

History and Now of Argindia.

Hiigarian States
05-08-2005, 09:59
Hello! My name is Konstantin! Are you bored? Don't like that you aren’t a creator of this region? Are you good and funny?

Then come to Argindia! New regions were your voice matter! And you will create this region and make it better, stronger, and more like you want! And you are better! And we have a great senate that you can join! So send a telegram to Hiigarian States! And if you want to live find Argindia!

And we have a Senate, CD (Civilian Department), World Inc., People Organization’s and etc. And you are free to create many new organizations!

Argindia is the capital of Confederacy. Confederacy has many nation's like Ithaka and Naboo, Delta. Argindia is growing to be a confederacy center.

Argindia had a revolution and had a great battle to save a region. We have political partys like Terra Solvo Freedom Party you can name them any thing you like. Argindia has it one Anthems and flag of Confederacy. Argindia is a place that many say what they think and what they want we have no slaves and are jobs are fun.

And I know that it is small but whit your help we can make it a great place to live! And all of the countries are very friendly and will be happy to meet you! Send a telegram to Hiigarian States!

Друзья все к нам!

Friend’s all to us!

And let’s do a new great Argindia!

И давайте сделаем новою Аргиндию!



Ben Venuti!