Hiigarian States
31-07-2005, 16:17
"We are a people forge in the struggles of battle, conflict, and death. Where others see pride, we only see duty. Where invaders see weakness, we see honor. As individuals we go to war, yet we return as family, Argindians. The choice before many is between war or submission. Our foe possesses every material advantage that we possess and hundreds of years more experience wielding the power of their core. They have the support of the world while we stand alone. You cannot consider your spirits yet tested if you accept only those battles where victory is certain. Many men would turn back now at the thought of the hardships before us should we challenge the world. We stand at the edge of our future with only one question to be answered. Are we to be remembered as Argindians, or do we bow to the sands of time?"
Argindia is the Capital of Confederacy. In this time the new order in the confederacy- Counsil Of Argit.
Argindia was the bort place of the Confederacy. Argindia is a place that people like to live. We have many smart people. We have a plan to creat a great country that all will now. We have many organization's that you can join. You can join Argindia as a great country.
And I know that it is small but whit your help we can make it better place to live! And all of the countries are very friendly and will be happy to meet you! Send a telegram to Hiigarian States!
Друзья все к нам!
Friend’s all to us!
And let’s do a new great Argindia!
И давайте сделаем новою Аргиндию!
Ben Venuti!
Send a telegram to Hiigarian States.
Argindia is the Capital of Confederacy. In this time the new order in the confederacy- Counsil Of Argit.
Argindia was the bort place of the Confederacy. Argindia is a place that people like to live. We have many smart people. We have a plan to creat a great country that all will now. We have many organization's that you can join. You can join Argindia as a great country.
And I know that it is small but whit your help we can make it better place to live! And all of the countries are very friendly and will be happy to meet you! Send a telegram to Hiigarian States!
Друзья все к нам!
Friend’s all to us!
And let’s do a new great Argindia!
И давайте сделаем новою Аргиндию!
Ben Venuti!
Send a telegram to Hiigarian States.