30-07-2005, 09:56
ATTN: All Liberal-Minded Nations
SUBJECT: Area Fifty One
MESSAGE: Area Fifty One is a region of liberal-minded nations who enjoy discussing vital issues of the day, and exercise democracy with regularity. Our Constitution is ratified by all member nations, and elections are held at six-month intervals. While "new" nations (Nations of less than one-month membership) are not eligible to vote in elections, they can be nominated for positions on the council, and it is not unheard of for a new nation to be elected to the Junior Council. Regional Delegate elections are open to all comers who have been members for at least one month and wish to nominate themselves.
Our region is not without excitement. We have been invaded, but through clever espionage and a couple of high-up spies within the invading region, (some of the invaders themselves) we were able to beat them back without having the position of UN Delegate compromised. We have also moved our entire region, following the deletion of our founder. Acting as Regional Delegate, I declared a state of Emergency, and coordinating with one of the puppet nations of our founder, managed to move the region to a whole new home, now Area Fifty One.
But most importantly, Area Fifty One is a place where you can express your deepest thoughts, and not have you beliefs mocked or ridiculed. We respect the opinions of all who join, whether they be moderate or "flaming left-wing liberal" like myself. So come over, visit us, we welcome new members. We need new members. Please at least drop in, simply noting our cardinal rule, which is that all UN nations must endorse the elected regional delegate.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and again, we invite you to join us.
Duly Elected Regional Delegate of Area Fifty One and Junior Council Member
SUBJECT: Area Fifty One
MESSAGE: Area Fifty One is a region of liberal-minded nations who enjoy discussing vital issues of the day, and exercise democracy with regularity. Our Constitution is ratified by all member nations, and elections are held at six-month intervals. While "new" nations (Nations of less than one-month membership) are not eligible to vote in elections, they can be nominated for positions on the council, and it is not unheard of for a new nation to be elected to the Junior Council. Regional Delegate elections are open to all comers who have been members for at least one month and wish to nominate themselves.
Our region is not without excitement. We have been invaded, but through clever espionage and a couple of high-up spies within the invading region, (some of the invaders themselves) we were able to beat them back without having the position of UN Delegate compromised. We have also moved our entire region, following the deletion of our founder. Acting as Regional Delegate, I declared a state of Emergency, and coordinating with one of the puppet nations of our founder, managed to move the region to a whole new home, now Area Fifty One.
But most importantly, Area Fifty One is a place where you can express your deepest thoughts, and not have you beliefs mocked or ridiculed. We respect the opinions of all who join, whether they be moderate or "flaming left-wing liberal" like myself. So come over, visit us, we welcome new members. We need new members. Please at least drop in, simply noting our cardinal rule, which is that all UN nations must endorse the elected regional delegate.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and again, we invite you to join us.
Duly Elected Regional Delegate of Area Fifty One and Junior Council Member