Regional Map Service
The Conservative Union
08-07-2005, 03:18
Will you do just a national map, or does it have to be regional only?
Why not? I don't think you'll have much use for it, but I will make because business SUCKS right now. I need to do something. In case you haven't looked in the issues forum, I'm making up issues to give away to people. That is being bored, my friend!
Anyway, I will need:
Symbols (for industries and other national things)
Anything else you want
And by the way, for everyone else out there; don't expect me to make too many of these once business gets started. In fact, this will probably be one of the only ones I'll make. I'm sure if business keeps sucking I will do more, though.
The Conservative Union
08-07-2005, 04:33
You know, I don't know what I'll do with it either, but I want one.
Shape: I see it roughly the size and shape of Germany and France combined.
Cities: marked with dots(like on a regular map) the capitol with a star. City names: Dominion(the capitol city), Imperial City, Friedrichston, Traejas, Republicia, Union City, and Gettysburg.
Symbols: small triangles for the 8 'Industrial Centers', spread evenly throughout the country; small squares for the 3 'National Parks'; small dimonds for the 10 'Resource Extraction Centers'; some marker for the 'Military-Industrial Center'.
maybe some natural feature like forests or mountains or something. No colors. I hope this isn't too much for you. Thanks a bunch.
Hmmm... I suppose it would be difficult to put all of that in there with Paint alone, so I'll put some stuff in with Word. No problem! Expect it by tomorrow.
And once again, thank you for that detailed description. I don't want anything like "I wanna big map with some stuff and some water and different colors, and..."
Damn I'm fast! Anyway, I'm sorry about the inconvenience, but I had to add some color to it, or else the things wouldn't come together. As a bonus, for my first customer, I actually went online and found the shapes of France and Germany, then roughed 'em into the drawing! Everything you wanted is in it, and then some. However, I'm still registering a website at , the place where I will be sending all of my work from now on. It should be there within 1 hour, so by 8:30 GMT it should be there (as well as the link from here)!
Oh, and for other customers to know, if you want to move the maps after they're there, that's fine, but I'm NOT giving you a website or link to bring them to. You're on your own there, guys.
The Conservative Union
08-07-2005, 20:47
This is most excellent news! I thank you for your time and effort. I see your website is up...where do I go to see the glorious production of my country?
OK, here's the deal. I hate now because it only allows 200K of picture, and yours is around 500, so it was small and, well... it sucked. So, I trashed the place, and found an even better website. It's free, there's no regestration, and it allows file of up to 1MB! It's better, so i'm using it. It's not a photo album, it's just a place that holds images seperately, so from now on I will have to give everyone a link. So let's start the business!!
Conservative Union:
P.S. Comments are required, so at least give me one more response. then get the hell outta here...
The Conservative Union
08-07-2005, 21:13
The map is excellent. I will most certainly refer people to your operation. It is exactly what I wanted!
08-07-2005, 21:21
i need a map
my countries name is The Republic of Morvonia
size a bit bigger then india, island with conection withe land by boat (so not to far out to sea)
star capitol:EmatooAlecou not in the middle of the country but close
other cities (dot) , vorono,baskrity,molanos,nakaros,zinias,ramay,siknou spread around.
mountain ranges to the north.forest to the south-east
3 provinces each evenly sized name Mirakou(blue) ,Molanos-prime(baige),durnos (Yellow) .
dimond for 8 arms factories (near water)
white dots for 6 mines
square for 3 ports
triangle for 1 Morvonian republic millitary base
up side down triangle for 1 airforce base
symble for 1 trade airport
I know it is alot but i know you can do it
Yes, that is a lot, but then again, Paintings can be pretty much as big as you want (within reason). Very nice description. Sadly, this will be my last national map for a while. Don't worry, everyone, I'll make some more someday! At the current rate I'm going, it could be done by 11:00 GMT, or 6:00 EST, but don't let it be guaranteed, OK?
Sorry, Morvonia. My little sister was on the computer chatting for 2 HOURS with a friend. Anyway, here it is! Hope you like it.
P.S. Sorry about the missing 2 mines. There were 6 when I started to delete stuff and shred the map apart with moves and cuts and pastes adn things like that... honest!
Hey thems is not bad. I know you were talking to me about sponsoring my tournament. These maps are good, I don't really need anything right now, but I'll tell the guys in my region if they want a map to hit you up.
You realize this is the REGIONAL MAP SERVICE? If they want a map, they can get one as a region. Do you think I wanna keep doing national maps? Well... no, not really. Actually, screw it. If any of them want a national map, I'll do it. I need a bigger portfolio to show my talents. Yeah, they can all have national maps if they want one. But seriously, REGIONAL MAPS from now on!
You want to further your talents?
I request A regional map the catch being...The region is in space
I would like it to be roughly the size of the sol system but seperated as two star systems.
Things wanted in Cyas:
One planet
Two moons
One shipyard
One Orbital weapons platform
Small Asteroid Belt
Things wanted in Karat:
Two Planets (One unexplored/uncolonized)
One moon
Nebula (Appear as ///// 's across the map please)
The other symbols you can have fun with, If you're not up to it 'tis alright
The Silver Sky
09-07-2005, 20:51
Hmm, I have a national map for you, I already have the map, but it's cluttered, I basically just need you to clean it up and leave me with the basic outline. Is that fine?
Map (Which is ripped for a video game):
I am sorry, but I'm not getting this. You want me to make an outer space map? I am making maps of the NationStates World, not outer space. I am terribly sorry, but I can't make this.
OK, buddy, here it is, nice and blank. Because I didn't want to go through a pixel-by-pixel detailing, I left the map gray. If I would have missed one pixel on the oputline (which I did), the whole map could've been destroyed. Anyway, here it is.
P.S. Some of the colors (like the faint, faint red in a section) is due to the uploading, NOT me. It's perfectly clear on my picture.
The Silver Sky
09-07-2005, 22:59
Sweet man, thanks bunches!
Rising Flame
10-07-2005, 01:07
Are you going to be going farther? Like Physical maps?
I don't need the service, I make my own maps:
(The Seventh Column region) (kinda big) (No markings, but it's rather big, 56K beware)
I was asking because it would be a good way to expand what you're trying to do. A lot of people like their countries political features to reflect the physical terrain. Cities near rivers and the like. Port cities, mountain pass forts, etc. Possibilities are limitless. You seem to have natural talent for the maps as well, I'd suggest trying to find a free Photoshop clone. I'd like to see what you can do when you aren't constrained by Paint.
I have considered this, but for now, I'll stick to political maps. So you know, i am also capable of making physical maps on Photoshop, but my Photoshop is at my mom's house, and my dad won;t let me put ANYTHING on his computer. I wouldn't be very efficient because of this, since it could be 1 week before I return the map. So far, i've done a map in 2 hours max thus far. And that includes my 1.5MB regional map. Are you sure your last map is 56K? Because my two other political maps are about a ninth of that size, and they're both almost 1MB.
10-07-2005, 08:54
i just need on thing changed
my capitals name is EmatooAlecou
i hate to be a stickler about it but it goes with my nations backdrop
EmatooAlecou mean "blood of alex" in greek (i think,my greek is a bit rusty)
alex was a hero in my nations history.
i hate to ask but could you possibly chang that for me.
i know you prob bussy and if you cant it is fine but i would be greatful if you could
Are you serious? You think I'm too busy to fix 1 WORD?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha... ahahahahaaaa! Hem... anyway, it's fixed. Check it out!
10-07-2005, 19:40
thanks men real sweet
Rising Flame
11-07-2005, 00:49
I have considered this, but for now, I'll stick to political maps. So you know, i am also capable of making physical maps on Photoshop, but my Photoshop is at my mom's house, and my dad won;t let me put ANYTHING on his computer. I wouldn't be very efficient because of this, since it could be 1 week before I return the map. So far, i've done a map in 2 hours max thus far. And that includes my 1.5MB regional map. Are you sure your last map is 56K? Because my two other political maps are about a ninth of that size, and they're both almost 1MB.
I meant people on a 56Kbps connection should beware ;)
But actually they're both under 250 KB. a lot of it is the BMP format you save it in. If you have clean enough lines and colors, saving in a JPG format should save you lots of size. I actually use photobucket for file hosting so everything has to be under 250 KB.
Endorian States
11-07-2005, 01:36
Do you do flags? Cause I need two flags... :(
I actually use photobucket for file hosting so everything has to be under 250 KB.
Dude, check out
It basically creates a link to which your picture goes. You can't search for it (I don't think), because it's just there. You have to make sure you have the link down somewhere. I didn't do it once, and I had to load it again. The big plus, which rules out the negatives, is that it can hold a file size of 3MB! That's workin' space!
If we are into bragging about maps; (almost a meg) This it the World Map of WWSETI I made, and if you like to see the whole map system goto our portal and click on WWSETI Maps and download a viewer and then you can see the temp, rain, and so on. you can zoom in ti around 1 mile, but I don't think it's looks good then. By the way this maps are over 32 meg, Working on a smaller download maps.
I will say it's the most sophisticated map of all the NS region. Tell me what you think...
Do you do flags? Cause I need two flags...
No, I shouldn't... but there is a flag service created by 1 Infinite Loop (that's the nation's name). Ask him for help. And come on people, GIMMIE SOME MAPS!!!
What do you guys think? That's a map of my country, and if you guys think it loks OK then I might like to try making maps of regions and countries for people. It was fun to make anyway!
This is very nice. I think you will make a fine edition to the GRMMS (Gondeau Regional Map-Making Service)! We have diverse ways in making maps. You seem to have a more physical oriented theme (mountains, oceans, rivers, etc.) and my maps are more political (more oriented towards cities and buildings and such). I believe if you can adapt some of my style and I of yours, we can make a new team. In fact, I might even make a new thread stating our name: GSMS (Gondeau-Skahro Map Service)! That way, we can make national maps too! I will handle most of the organizing (managing the thread and posting stuff), and we'll split the maps 50/50. I can even make a portfolio of all our works! What do you say, partner?
P.S. I will not hire anyone else if Skahro accepts. As you have seen, in almost a week I've done 4 maps. Not as many as I had hoped would answer, so I don't need 5 people to do this. Just 2
I like the sound of that Gondeau, although I think I'll have to hone my techniques a bit, but I like the sound of this partnership. So, is the GSMS formed then?
No, it is not. I have to set-up and stuff; copying my work over, thinking of a format for going through with it, etc. Meanwhile, if you want, come back in 30 minutes and it should be ready. If it's not by an hour, I'm probably going to a birthday party with my parents (I hate freakin' 5-year-olds). Stay online if you want, but I'm telling you, don't expect anything for a half-hour.
P.S. This thread will soon be deleted, as soon as I get word back from Unfree People and I create the new thread.
P.S.S. In case you're wondering, my name's pronounced 'gone-doe'