NationStates Jolt Archive

Looking for a new region?

New Babel
06-07-2005, 21:52
This is shameless promotion of my region and perhaps the best way to spark the interest of rare libertarians who are also Christians. We will not be a conservative paradise, but a free-thinking paradise. Ours shall be a christian/conservative-libertarian paradise. We are interested in debating topics from a distinctly libertarian perspective. While we have a perspective, it is our goal to stimulate ideas, not propagate them. We find America's boolean voting system disheartening, the polarized parties unreasonable; American citizens are blind to colors other than blue and red--Democrat or Republican. Anyone is, of course, welcome. It is a good thing to have opposition. It helps one understand why one believes what one believes. As in the church, heresy is the best thing for it. While wrong ideas aren't healthy in and of themselves, they make us stronger by finding their flaws.

The region name is Mars Hill. I hope to see some of you there.

We just started an off-site forum this past week: (

- New Babel
06-07-2005, 22:51
I am new to this political game and I was wondering why do you want people to join your region??
New Babel
07-07-2005, 00:53
We want people to join our region so we can discuss issues and argue reasonably about politics, ethics, and philosophy. We are serious about these issues. Nationstates is just one of our outlets. If you're a serious, free-minded individual, please feel free to join us.