NationStates Jolt Archive


Hiigarian States
01-07-2005, 15:33
God save the noble people!

Long may they live, in pow'r,

In happiness,

In peace to reign!

Dread of there enemies,

Faith's sure defender,

God save the people of Argindia!

Hello! My name is Konstantin the Senator from Hiigaria!
I want you to join Argindia not as a bad country a slave but as equal member's of are land.
Many places of the game have problem like there are too many or there are too many bad countries.
In Argindia we will be creating a Senate that will have the entire nation that live in Argindia and there wois will not go not listen but all of the voices will be important to us because democratic is a great thing!
If you are interested and you want to ask anything you can send a telegram HIIGARIAN STATES.
01-07-2005, 15:37
"Democratic is a great thing" great grammer,and i bet your region has problems too.
Hiigarian States
01-07-2005, 15:41
And in Argindia all are equal. Small and Big are equal and Strong and Weak are equal! Lets to a world were all are equal! And then we can do a world that is a great and strong and equel! Long live the Free Senate of Argindia!(FSOA)!
Hiigarian States
01-07-2005, 15:43
I am a Russian sorry! Yes it have it is to small! Yes but we can do what is best to do whit Argindia! It is new.
Hiigarian States
01-07-2005, 18:37
Hello! My name is Konstantin! Are you bored? Don't like that you arent a creator of this region? Are you better then this people?
Then come to Argindia! A new region were your voice matter! And you will creat this region and make it better, stronger, and more like you want! And you are better! So send a telegram
to Hiigarian States! And if you want to live find Argindia!
Hiigarian States
02-07-2005, 16:45
?Maybe somebody has to ask something? It will be cool!