A mission!
I need some brave people to invade and take over the region Cornish Pastieland. They are rule breakers who just pick someone at random and do all the can to get them to leave the game. This months target is me! and im not standing for it!
I will help, give me a time, and several more volunteers.
TG me the info.
Magnetic Island
24-06-2005, 15:58
Cornish Pastieland has an active founder. There is no way you can destroy them.
Sceptical States
24-06-2005, 16:41
While the Sceptical States take no official side in any conflict, should you find yourself at war then look outside your chamber. You may well just find an unidentified allied force.
General Heffernan, Commander of the SSS armed forces and aide to Chancellor Rea
Crazy girl
24-06-2005, 16:54
I need some brave people to invade and take over the region Cornish Pastieland. They are rule breakers who just pick someone at random and do all the can to get them to leave the game. This months target is me! and im not standing for it!
If they break the rules, report them to the moderators through the getting help page. (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/-1/page=help)
meh ill go prod em some, see how they like it
Crazy girl
24-06-2005, 17:02
Prod them and you could get in trouble with the mods yourself, doubt you'd like that
25-06-2005, 01:38
Abok, you are a member of the League of Small Regions, remember? Appeal to us on our forum for help. I'm sure we'd be happy to help.
25-06-2005, 01:47
Where do I sign to join? (if u dont get me i want to join!)
25-06-2005, 01:56
Join what? The League of Small Regions?
The Most Glorious Hack
25-06-2005, 11:02
Rule-breaking in responce to rule-breaking will get both sides punished.
- The Most Glorious Hack
NationStates Game Moderator