Language help
23-06-2005, 11:32
This is NS-related...
Someone has posted this on a thread about Serconea's presidential election:
Vagamok evtem tylrunmarzilnu á nyzurgivna? Nev! Nev Andreja Lucas-va osben perdidikanma kojnigollakot polkti ceefur asér lavposk e szsopetnemi!
Can anyone tell me what language it is- and it means?
My guess would be that its some form of Ugric (either Finnish or Hungarian). Or Slavic, but more likely Ugric.
Mythotic Kelkia
23-06-2005, 11:42
My guess would be that its some form of Ugric (either Finnish or Hungarian). Or Slavic, but more likely Ugric.
Finnish isn't Ugric, it's Finnic :p but both Hungarian and Finnish are part of the Finno-Ugric language family.
Vagamok evtem tylrunmarzilnu á nyzurgivna? Nev! Nev Andreja Lucas-va osben perdidikanma kojnigollakot polkti ceefur asér lavposk e szsopetnemi!
That doesn't look anything like Finnish to me, but I guess it could be Hungarian. another guess is that it's some form of Turkic language, such as Turkish (duh :p ) or Azerbaijani maybe... *shrugs*
EDIT: Well, googling some of the words doesn't seem to turn up much information; although I guess that could be because the language is usually written in Cyrillic or something. An alternative is that it's just gibberish, or may be some form of personal constructed language - you RP people do stuff like that, right? :rolleyes:
Crazy girl
23-06-2005, 11:44
Perhaps a link to the original post could help?
23-06-2005, 11:45
Perhaps a link to the original post could help?
23-06-2005, 12:58
I googled the following words individually (Vagamok evtem tylrunmarzilnu nyzurgivna perdidikanma kojnigollakot szsopetnemi) and got no hits at all. No language filtering, no filtering of any sort in fact. If they existed in any language, you'd expect AT LEAST one hit on one of them.
Somebody is jerking your chain.
Hey, I might have a possible solution for it. I went to a website that allows you to put in text and give you the MOST PROBABLE language in choice. I did this, and it came up with a language called Gheg. Gheg is a dialect from Albanian. It is used by less than a million world wide, so it's very rare. Other hits were Tosk (another Albanian dialect), Lithuanian, and Czech, though all 4 of them have a slight chance of being right. However, out of the 300,000 languages in the database, these 4 were the most probable.
Crazy girl
23-06-2005, 19:44
Hey, I might have a possible solution for it. I went to a website that allows you to put in text and give you the MOST PROBABLE language in choice. I did this, and it came up with a language called Gheg. Gheg is a dialect from Albanian. It is used by less than a million world wide, so it's very rare. Other hits were Tosk (another Albanian dialect), Lithuanian, and Czech, though all 4 of them have a slight chance of being right. However, out of the 300,000 languages in the database, these 4 were the most probable.
can i have that link please? :D
Sure. fees run at about $55.00, but anyway...
P.S.S. 300,000 is a lie. More like 50,000
Ness Snorlaxia
23-06-2005, 23:06
It is not Albanian, as both dialects do not have those kind of accented letters. See here. (
It looks Finno-Ugric, but is most likely a made up language based on one of those languages in that family.
It is not Albanian, as both dialects do not have those kind of accented letters. See here. (
It looks Finno-Ugric, but is most likely a made up language based on one of those languages in that family.What s/he said.
If it's real at all, it looks like Romanian but sounds more like Hungarian. It may be some obscure Hungarian dialect. But I think it's made up. Just a hunch.
Crimson Sunset
24-06-2005, 00:22
My guess is that it's made up, but it does look an awful lot like a Romanian dialect. But it's probably some made-up language, because RP people do tend to do that sort of thing a lot :-)
The Eternal Kawaii
24-06-2005, 02:06
This is a real long-shot, but perhaps it's an "Elvish" language? J.R.R. Tolkein created some of the Elvish languages in his books using Finnish as a model; and I believe there are some LotR geeks out there that have devised their own "Quenya" and "Sindarin" languages based off of that source.
Do you know whether the speaker was from a LotR-themed region?
Ness Snorlaxia
24-06-2005, 02:43
No, the person who spoke that was living in the 10000 Islands, a defender region not really based off of anything.
Ah-ha! It IS a made up language made for that person's own country! Check out this thread:
Nice job. I had also thought it was made up, and now I know. Yea. All hail you.