Regional Control during Invasion
07-06-2005, 20:27
Question...when an invading group of countries takes over a region can they ban the region founder? If the region founder is banned and eventually rejoins the region after a day...does the region founder regain the regional control menu?
Aligned Planets
07-06-2005, 20:34
Can I invade other people's regions?
Yes. The practice of "region crashing," where a group of nations all move to a region with the aim of seizing the UN Delegate position, is part of the game. Certain groups within NationStates are particularly adroit at this, and can attack very quickly.
Once I've taken over a region, can I eject everyone else?
No. Region crashing by itself is a legitimate tactic to seize power, but ejecting large numbers of nations is griefing. It can be a fine line between region crashing and griefing. Players who enjoy launching invasions should take care to stay on the right side.
07-06-2005, 20:44
Yes I know this but when a region founder is banned, when they return to the region do they regain control of the region control menu?
[NS]Violet Baudelaire
07-06-2005, 20:56
If the regional founder is afraid of being banned by the UN delegate,
surely she can deny the UN delegate access to regional control???
Please don't confuse me with powerful individuals of the same name;
I'm just a helpless orphan in hiding from an evil count in a region noted
for cigars, remarkably durable communist dictators, and (my personal favorite)
ingenious inventors who attempt to navigate from one landmass to another
in floating cars.
with all due respect,
Violet Baudelaire
Crazy girl
07-06-2005, 21:20
The founder would be counted as native from what I can see. You can not ban natives. The founder always keeps his access to regional control.
little edit: this goes as long as the founder nation exists..
If the foundernation dies, the player will have to ask for a restore. If the founder nation is deleted by the mods for rulebreaking, the player does lose RC
and if the region is recreated and gets a new founder.
07-06-2005, 21:22
Violet Baudelaire']If the regional founder is afraid of being banned by the UN delegate,
surely she can deny the UN delegate access to regional control???
Yes they can but if say an invasion were to happen over night and an election of UN delegate occurs quickly and bans the regional founder with out their knowing the question still remains once the region founder returns can they regain control of the region control menu?
07-06-2005, 21:31
The founder would be counted as native from what I can see. You can not ban natives. The founder always keeps his access to regional control.
Thanks for the reply. If a UN Delegate were given access to the regional control and then backstabbed the region founder and banned this allowed or would this be considered something to take the mods?
Crazy girl
07-06-2005, 21:50
if a native delegate would ban a founder, it is legal, as long as the native delegate keeps in mind not to kick too many other nations (i believe around 40% would be an unofficial border, but again, best to stay far away from that line)
Not that this will do much, the founder will just access regional control next time he or she logs in.
07-06-2005, 23:13
Yes I know this but when a region founder is banned, when they return to the region do they regain control of the region control menu?
The regional founder never loses the ability to access regional controls, even when kicked or banned. However, if they aren't in the region, they can't prevent the delegate from accessing the controls. Founders have to be present in the region to be the uncontested King.
It is possible to kick a founder and all other nations, let the region die, and refound it yourself. This is called griefing, and the nation who did it would soon find themselves deleted too.
So don't do that.