01-06-2005, 02:21
Attention friends, a new region has been born named region og the vampires every one is welcome to join this region for now we will unite to crush our opposition :mp5:
thanks for ur time
Legless Pirates
01-06-2005, 02:22
wrong forum: go here
New Foxxinnia
01-06-2005, 02:36
Attention friends, a new region has been born named region og the vampires every one is welcome to join this region for now we will unite to crush our opposition :mp5:
thanks for ur time
silvervampireNice work. Do want a cookie for that obviously grueling feat of mental and physical endurance?
[Announcer voice] A new challenger comes! [/Announcer voice]
Economic Associates
01-06-2005, 02:56
[Announcer voice] A new challenger comes! [/Announcer voice]
[Announcer voice]Flawless Victory[/Announcer voice]