NationStates Jolt Archive

I'm Looking for a Region

Vittos Ordination
03-05-2005, 20:17
I'm not sure how seriously I want to get involved in it, but I just want to see how all of you guys go about all of this regional politics. So what would be a good region to join?
Ancient Byzantium
03-05-2005, 20:20
Try out Greece, we just got our government back up and running, and by joining now, you'd probably be able to get a pretty good governmental position. Plus Greece is ancient :D.

Some info, we're a democracy, the specifics are still being hammered out in our assembly.

Here's our site made by me (Under Construction):
And here's our forum (skinned by me :D):
Ancient Byzantium
03-05-2005, 20:22
Ah, I see you're from Illinois too. I'm not too familiar with Carbondale, although I've heard of it. I'm from Bloomingdale, it's a small northwestern suburb about a half hour from Chicago.
Jellybean Development
03-05-2005, 20:25
Region of Magical Jellybeans

We're crazy!
New Ohlendorf
03-05-2005, 20:26
The Grand Chancellor and Councilors of the Alliance of Like Minded States cordially invite you to consider joining our Alliance. The Alliance of Like Minded States is a conservative alternative to the United Nations. It was established in January of 2005, with the goal of securing peace, defense against invasion, an economic free-trade zone, and the basic human rights granted by God to all mankind.
If you are share our love of individual liberty, free trade, and security against invasion from a foreign power, but do not want to weaken your nations sovereignty by joining the United Nations, than the Alliance may be for you. Why should you join the Alliance instead of the United Nations? Because we have an established Constitution that guarantees not only that you will have an equal share in the governing process, but that you will never have to give up the personal sovereignty of your nation.
Of course, not everyone can join the Alliance. The Alliance is composed of an elite group of nations that are all equally conservative, and that all share an intense love of liberty and personally freedom and the desire to secure these gifts. Because the Alliance is so exclusive, unfortunately you cannot just move to the region and join up. First, your application will have to go before the Council for a vote. But, in most cases, this process should take no more than 48 hours.
So, do you want to have the security of being in an alliance of world powers, but don’t want to subject yourself to the liberalism of the United Nations? Then the Alliance of Like Minded States is the perfect fit, Contact us today, at and one of our representatives will get back to you with more information within a few hours!
03-05-2005, 20:27
The KGB is a very diverse region, and it is fairly small also(28 nations), so its not hard to get a government position. We are active and seeking new, intelligent members, of any experience. We would love to have you check us out.

KGB Founder
03-05-2005, 20:28

As founder of Exaequo one would like to invite you to join our develpling region. Below is our factbook entry which also includes our offsite fourm.


World Factbook Entry: A small region found off the South West Coast of Ireland.

The word "Exaequo" is a Latin Word which means to be "alike" and reflects the regions aim of being a collection of like minded independent nations.

The region is PRO Peace, though will go to war if threatened, PRO Society, PRO Economy, PRO Civil Rights, PRO UN, PRO Religion, PRO Morality, PRO Environment.

All member nations are expected to join/apply to join the UN.

03-05-2005, 23:07
No pick us, pick us! Q102 just because, ok?
RedArmy General
04-05-2005, 00:58
Red Army is a newly created region. Any Communist region that ask for our assistance we will give and send our forces out.
04-05-2005, 02:43
come to communistland
Kiru Tao
04-05-2005, 03:20
Konnichiwa, the Constitutional Monarchy of Kiru Tao would like to invite you to the Asian Continent. The Asian Continent has recently been founded and holds diplomatic ties with three other regions: the Middle East, African Continent, and European Continent.

Have a look, why don't you?
Vittos Ordination
04-05-2005, 07:24
Any that are not communist or "like minded"?
04-05-2005, 07:45
I recently joined the Scroll Islands ( and have been pretty happy with them. They are not "like minded" in a communist or Borg kind of way. It's pretty relaxed there, and they have a pretty decent forum for UN issues, government stuff, roleplaying, and just chit chat.
04-05-2005, 21:26
Any that are not communist or "like minded"?
Hey, I'd love to see the havoc you'd wreak in a communist region. Arguments, arguments, arguments!
Texan Hotrodders
04-05-2005, 21:35
You may want to check out Texas (
Vittos Ordination
04-05-2005, 22:07
Hey, I'd love to see the havoc you'd wreak in a communist region. Arguments, arguments, arguments!

Once they would figure me out, they wouldn't be able to kick me out quick enough.
Kiru Tao
05-05-2005, 02:46
Any that are not communist or "like minded"?

Nothing communist about my region, and we are looking to create a decent amount of diversity. So if we appear "like minded," that's not our intent.
Pope Hope
06-05-2005, 09:52
Well, if you really want to try out gameplay and regional politics, Nasicournia is definitely a good place to get started. We'd love to have you if you want to give it a try. We participate in every kind of gameplay, and our region is democratic to the max--you can get involved in whatever you want right away if you like. Telegram me if you're the meantime here's some preliminary info for you. :)

Gameplay invitation thread (

The region of Nasicournia (

Nasicournia forum (

NS Wiki Entry (
Liamist States
06-05-2005, 09:59
Come to The Tableland.

We have lots of stuff and a kickass culture but not much of a region political scene, I guess. We only have four members of our government and we all do a damn good job...

Anyway, ignore all these other weirdos: The Tableland beckons.
Pope Hope
06-05-2005, 10:05
Liam! I'm a weirdo? :P

Well, The Tableland does have their own cool language. But I still vote Nasicournia for this one. :cool:
Bismarck II
06-05-2005, 10:23
Hey. Join mine. Military and Business.
The group doesn't "sound" so good, but we welcome any intelligent people, especially those that are interested in military and business(birds of a flock fly together).
I made this group, in order to hopeful gather a group of intelligent people, which we have debates and discussions and learn from each other... Debate and discussions in the fields of international relations/politics, global economics, history(prone to military/war, politics) etc... The enlightened topics, not your average silly discussion on abortion(political joke, perpetual tug of war).
You are free to join our group, since hopefully, we will be an enlightened "elite" group, not a group of average Joes.
And finally I do not recommend joining the UN. You won't make a difference anyways, if our small enlightened group joins the UN or not. It's ridiculous to be fighting to make other people believe in your ideas, when there is little hope of victory anyways.
Maybe we can form a group that will solve today's problems theoretically, then spread our ideas. I don't know what we'll come up with, but I bet it will be good.
My personal ideas:
Opt for small government.
Governments should be limited.
Social welfare is another form of robbing Peter to pay Paul--- and getting praised for it.
Politics is a muddle, Realpolitik is the best way to explain it.
There is no just or unjust war. The object of war is to expand the interests of the nation, whether it is the people(uncommon) or the ruling party/class. War is a method of using violence to force the opponent/enemy to submit to my will.
Power creates corruption. Whether it is a saint or a power hungry man in power.
Citizens should save money for their retirement, not let the government pay for it.
Federalism is corrupt, but better than centralism.
As you can see, my ideas are not very popular. They are a realist, pessimistic sort. Anyone with similar ideas or wish to debate them can join my group. We will have fun:).
06-05-2005, 19:52
Come to Abokia!
06-05-2005, 19:57
Any that are not communist or "like minded"?

One feels one has misinterpreted the term "like minded". The context our region refers to as "like minded" is that we are free thinking individual nations with similar views on how our nations should be run.

Two Forks
06-05-2005, 20:02
birds of a flock fly together

i believe the expression is: birds of a feather flock together. see, it rhymes, so it's catchy!

Once we're back from region crashing, try these regions! New Ramen is one, and the other is Sonata Arctica.
06-05-2005, 20:06
Check out Laissez Faire Capitalism. A region of pure capitalism with a minarchist to anarchist philosophy of government. We believe statists only add to the misery of the individual by degrading life, property, and liberty.
Intelligent Madness
06-05-2005, 20:12
It will be hard to make our region stand out above all others, but if you are new and want a friendly region where there is no pressure to get overinvolved, join The Land of Oppressed People.
It's quite diverse, with different opinions and interesting discussions flying about. It's quite a low profile region at the moment, but you never know!
Telegram our region leader, Psychopatic Warmonger if you want to join, and he will invite you in (I'm sure)!
06-05-2005, 20:19
JOIN THE PAGAN FEDERATION!!!!! click on my name and message us!(must contain your nation's morals and veiws on everything)
06-05-2005, 20:27
live in south regal. i might not kill you if your my neighbor. after all the hawk hunts far from the roost.
Funny Looking Islands
06-05-2005, 21:36
Come on over to "Homestar Runner". If your a fan, its a must. If you don't know what it is, your missing out in life. Don't worry though, it's not too late. Join the Homestarmy today!

Anyway, were a small region of five nations which is only a few days old. We hope to expand and all nations are welcome. We do not discriminate against government types. Fell free to move in and if you like it, we'll take it from there.

So check it out today. PM me if you have any questions.
Kiru Tao
07-05-2005, 03:49
Come to The Tableland.

We have lots of stuff and a kickass culture but not much of a region political scene, I guess. We only have four members of our government and we all do a damn good job...

Anyway, ignore all these other weirdos: The Tableland beckons.

I can assure you, the Asian Continent does not have any weirdos. Well, at least I think we don't.
07-05-2005, 03:56
Antimatter. Made enemies with a lot of people including Greece, which they indirectly started. Also just a good place to retreat to.
08-05-2005, 01:05
How about Orange Glaciers, my small but hopefully growing region? Government positions easy to get!!! :)
Bismarck II
02-06-2005, 10:17
Try this one.
FEEE, the Federalistic Empire of the Enlightened Elite.
No regional politics, delegates are democratically elected.
And we ONLY accept liberals or libertarians, although I prefer the latter.
There are no such things as government positions.
02-06-2005, 17:41
i strongly disagree with all those other nations because my nation enviromentally protect our national animal, the howler monkey which climbs from tree to tree freely and we have a currency that most people have never heard of, the yingyang, and we let all citizens speak freely, ecxept for criminals and there is no such thing as the death penalty for the criminals because we are democratic socialists.
02-06-2005, 19:21
Hello and good day, We would like you to come to Beertopia. We are a very relaxed Region surrounded by mountains. We are the Universes leading producer of Beer, all varities. Come join us!

Ness Snorlaxia
02-06-2005, 23:15
In the great realm of the Holy Nintendo Entertainment System, lies one of the most legendary video game kingdoms to exist: Hyrule. Of course, there are many new nations trying to find a region, and we have the answer for you.

And, of course, it is Hyrule. We may not be powerful, yet, but we will be eventually. We have many nations at the moment, but you should not let the size of our region intimidate you. We allow you to run for the planned government, vote in cabinet elections, and, probably the most important, YOU can influence the delegate on what she should vote on every resolutiuon. And once our government is set up and running, we will allow YOU to vote on our first constitution for our region!

The Region of Hyrule (
The Regional Forums ( )
The Regional Map (
03-06-2005, 01:38
In my time on NationStates i have been in many regions with various nation in the last few months and i would recommend the following regions.

Galts Gulch
Coconut Island :p (well i had to include it)