Pull Out the White Flag: Instant Surrender in NS
This kid who I go to school with also plays nations states. He got kind of obsessed with going to war with my country (I had to block him to prevent the "I'm going to destroy you" telegrams), but then when war broke out he kind of surrendered rather smuggly. We're kind of at a loss of what to do. He wanted war, he annoyed me and my allies (some others I go to school with), so we gave him war... http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=414412 is the thread. Any ideas? So far we've given him and his region have to pay 50% of their income as tribute, are not allowed to have a militray larger than .005% (instead of .05%), and all their fancy places are monitored. Have we taken it a step too far? A step not far enough? Any other creative ideas? Relate any similiar stories?
Honestly, how can you just surrender, especially if you were planning on declaring war. :mad:
This kid who I go to school with also plays nations states. He got kind of obsessed with going to war with my country (I had to block him to prevent the "I'm going to destroy you" telegrams), but then when war broke out he kind of surrendered rather smuggly. We're kind of at a loss of what to do. He wanted war, he annoyed me and my allies (some others I go to school with), so we gave him war... http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=414412 is the thread. Any ideas? So far we've given him and his region have to pay 50% of their income as tribute, are not allowed to have a militray larger than .005% (instead of .05%), and all their fancy places are monitored. Have we taken it a step too far? A step not far enough? Any other creative ideas? Relate any similiar stories?
Honestly, how can you just surrender, especially if you were planning on declaring war. :mad:
Perminant occupation!
If I was in your position, I'd humiliate him to no end in the game.
Behead his leader and put it on display.
Vandalize the capital.
Rename his states (provinces, etc.) to sex-themed names
etc. etc. :)
Have fun.
Club House
24-04-2005, 04:46
This kid who I go to school with also plays nations states. He got kind of obsessed with going to war with my country (I had to block him to prevent the "I'm going to destroy you" telegrams), but then when war broke out he kind of surrendered rather smuggly. We're kind of at a loss of what to do. He wanted war, he annoyed me and my allies (some others I go to school with), so we gave him war... http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=414412 is the thread. Any ideas? So far we've given him and his region have to pay 50% of their income as tribute, are not allowed to have a militray larger than .005% (instead of .05%), and all their fancy places are monitored. Have we taken it a step too far? A step not far enough? Any other creative ideas? Relate any similiar stories?
Honestly, how can you just surrender, especially if you were planning on declaring war. :mad:
rape the women and enslave the men!
24-04-2005, 05:04
rape the women and enslave the men!
No, let's not suggest that, please. That way leads to DEATland.
~ Frisbeeteria ~
NationStates Forum Moderator
24-04-2005, 05:05
No, let's not suggest that, please. That way leads to DEATland.
~ Frisbeeteria ~
NationStates Forum Moderator
Is there a book of mod slang?
Greater Valia
24-04-2005, 05:14
Is there a book of mod slang?
Its in forum 7.
Total Victory
24-04-2005, 05:16
Rape the horses. Ride off on the women.
Greater Valia
24-04-2005, 05:16
Rape the horses. Ride off on the women.
Its in forum 7.so I guess raping the horses and riding off on the women is also out... Damn. :D
get 24 hours with his nation with the promise that you won't change his password. he can change it later. but he has to keep the changes you make in his info for one calendar year...
so you change the name of his National Animal and his Currency... and his nation type.
Total Victory: seen 3 Amigos also huh? :D
24-04-2005, 05:25
Kick him in the nuts. In real life.
Blood Moon Goblins
24-04-2005, 05:27
I thought you were supposed to rape the houses and set fire to the women...
Tribal Ecology
24-04-2005, 05:34
Get a life.
Patra Caesar
24-04-2005, 05:54
I think he wants to create an Iraq situation, have you do nasty things to him since he surrendered so easily. Make you seem as an immoral foe.
How can you start a war and do all those other things??? (sorrry I'm new)
Gaian Ascendancy
24-04-2005, 17:42
The end result, a nation rping with utterly no honor. I wouldn't have even bothered to notice that nation in the first place.
And no insurgency lasts for ever, in which meanwhile the nation is still occupied and stripped of every resorce they have.
Have fun conquerers. =^^=
Emperor Dalek
24-04-2005, 18:45
Various possibilities dependant on how your roleplaying.
Put the country into a time loop, so it ends up continually replaying the scene of its defeat over and over again, never changing. If it states it changes, get it to prove it. If the nation has such a lack of imagination as to go to war against obvious odds and then to surrender smugly, test the nation's wit to come up with viable excuses. Alternatively I advocate a policy of inter-planetary extermination of men, women, horses and houses (let us be fair). Alternatively, his population is now your new national currency, the leader your national animal, and you've just recieved an issue telling you that you've found uranium in his habitat...
look's like you should just keep the war, and beat him! :mp5:
26-04-2005, 01:19
Remember: Allways pillage BEFORE you burn.
Uh... I say strip the lands of all resources and kill every last peopln in their military, take all their equipment and then leave them for whatever other nation wants to deal the deathblow.
Like airdropping a lamb into a pack of wolves.
26-04-2005, 07:17
what they said, butdont rape the women
ttheyre already miserable enough living in such a dreadful state
Pillage, and offer his citizens(Like the commoners) (but not nobles) a slightly lower class but still citizens, and as always--the nobles and leaders and such always go down.
the nobles and leaders and such always go down
Just make sure to write it as being consensual! :p
Consensual pillaging... this should be good...
"Pardon me, sir, may I make off with your house?"
Hey! Krioval gets away with it all the time. How else would we annex inhabited planets? By force?! We just introduce a limited supply of a very desirable product and let their markets go straight to hell. Then, like the benevolent angels we are, in for the rescue. :D
26-04-2005, 09:51
Has it occurred to you he might be onto a good thing?
If I were in his position, I'd RP a civilian coup which captures the belligerent leaders and presents them, not to you, but to the NS UN -- They must answer for their crimes to all humanity! Thus the new leaders avoid the possible backlash they would have suffered by handing them over to you, the invader. The bad guys are now out of the way, fed, housed and guarded by somebody else, likely to stay that way till they die of old age, but no-one can deny the new leadership has bent over backwards to be fair to them.
Next, the new leadership (making lots of pro-you declarations) asks for your help in setting up a wonderful government just like yours. You'd look pretty silly, internationally, if you refused to help.
So there you are pouring money and advisors and education and emergency supplies and health treatments and godknowswhat into this poor little land that has begged for your noble aid. Armaments, too, if the fledgeling nation is threatened by dangerous neighbours.
Meanwhile the best and brightest of his people are being sent to your land to be educated (at your expense) so they can lead their poor benighted country into the glorious sunshine of (whatever type of nation you are). Oh, yeah, and you'd better train his military how to use the stuff you're giving them, we don't want any nasty accidents.
In about 20 years, when his economy's recovered and the next-gen leaders have established themselves, they thank you very much for your help, announce that they are now ready to stand on their own two feet, couldn't have done it without you, eternally grateful, always favoured-nation status, can never repay you for what you did -- so they don't. But they name a big building or airport or something after you, just before they slam down the trade barriers (gotta protect our struggling farmers!).
Alternately, they appeal to the NS UN on the grounds that your continued presence in what is historically their territory is clear evidence of colonialism at its worst, not to mention empire-building of a belligerent sort that threatens the peace of all civilised nations. They beg the NS UN to set a deadline for your withdrawal.
You either (a) refuse to withdraw, thus exposing your nation to the calumny of the rest of the world and a guerilla war of attrition with possible terrorist strikes against your nation, but what can you expect, you rotten oppressors, or (b) withdraw, slightly embarrassed that you had to be told to go. To avoid similar situations elsewhere, you withdraw everywhere. Everybody yells at you, inside and outside your nation, and any colonies you had revolt because you're plainly too weak to hold them -- if not, why did you withdraw?
His nation then either prospers mightily (and votes against you at every chance), or enters a terrible spiral of corruption and bad government, which is plainly your fault, as you did not give his people enough responsibility while you were the occupying power, so they did not learn how to govern themselves...
On the other hand, you could crush them utterly, sow their fields with salt, execute their first-born, demand intolerable tribute and watch them cringe before you until some wild-eyed, long-haired, charismatic loony arises and, supported by the idealistic young people of every nation in the world, launches a brilliantly successful campaign of passive resistance which ultimately ends in him/her becoming a secular saint and you retiring, totally discredited, to go down in history as the Baby-Killer.
Don't you wish you'd stayed home in the first place?
But Findhorn, there's a strong counterexample to all of that. When Krioval is in such a position, which is rare, but can happen, we simply inundate the other country's young with our culture. Our universities spew out pro-Kriovalian propaganda to their citizens who study there. We make a point of demonstrating our economic, scientific, and military superiority in a way that's not threatening, but definitely illustrative of what Krioval is capable of doing. Then come the governmental reforms. At least a third of their "native" government is sacked to promote efficiency (by which we mean "centralize control"). High-ranking officials who speak out against Krioval find their districts getting the short end of the financial aid stick. "We'll get around to your region soon," they get told, while new elections loom.
Reconstruction is done mainly by Kriovalian firms, so it's basically Krioval paying Krioval, plus we're taking natural resources from the conquered country to "reconstruct". If they ask us to leave in five or ten years, they'll be left with no natural resources, erratic technology that they can't afford to maintain, and a deepening political crisis. "We can't do everything for them," Krioval will say. "Not every nation is ready for Kriovalian democracy." If the combination of cultural and economic forces are insufficient to cause annexation, we abandon the nation to its fate. We've actually profited from the mess.
27-04-2005, 05:06
LOL. I do love you, Krioval, bless your little cotton socks. That practically raised a-morality to the height of a morality. Wouldn't life be interesting if you'd been advising the RW British Empire in its sunset years?
I'm now going to grab the high moral ground by piously stating that I wouldn't want to hi-jack a thread, not me, never, so I won't follow through with any more directions an RP that featured a dishonoured but damn sneaky nation might go.
(Newcomers: no, I'm not saying that Krioval is dishonoured. Yes, I am saying that he's damn sneaky, but I'm saying it admiringly.)
Also, I know when I'm out-finagled, out-spin-doctored and generally out-thunk.
27-04-2005, 05:10
Actually ... how's about if someone in the defeated nation comes up with a nice, fundamentalist, totally nationalistic take on one of their old-tyme religions ... ?
27-04-2005, 07:48
*Slaps a yellow Post-It note with TAG written on it on the thread.* You've been Tag'd! (Like Punk'd, but better.)
Actually ... how's about if someone in the defeated nation comes up with a nice, fundamentalist, totally nationalistic take on one of their old-tyme religions ... ?
Krioval still sacrifices traitors. It's the only death penalty still left on the books, and it's done publicly. We're polytheistic, BTW. That count?
27-04-2005, 14:20
Oh, yeah ... the martyred leader; powerful ... @@RANDOMNAME@@ gave his/her/its life that @@DEFEATEDNATION@@ might live/rise again ... regret that I have but one life to give for my country ... hope Krioval performs its sacrifices with something that would make a good symbol? (Double-headed axe? Inventively shaped gallows?) And, of course, @@RANDOMNAME@@ is betrayed to you by one of his/her/its inner circle, perhaps the charismatic and beloved deputy ... but a colourless administrator-type, though previously suspected of lacking full commitment, nonetheless doggedly takes up the faltering cause, unites the sorrowing companions ... do we detect a Jungian archetype or two edging their way in here?