NationStates Jolt Archive

How do you run your country?

10-04-2005, 14:43
How do you run your country? Do you run it with your own ideals? Or do you deliberately oppress people just for fun?

Mayhap you have two or three nations (or even more!) that you all run differently? Have you made errors in running your country, say adding too many or too little civil rights accidentally? How frequent are your issues?
10-04-2005, 14:45
I run my country as a capitalist right-wing state. It's just who I am :D
General Mike
10-04-2005, 14:50
With an iron fist.
10-04-2005, 15:12
I run my country according to my ideas and beliefs. Hence it being a left-wing utopia. :) And my issues are set to two a day.
10-04-2005, 15:20
I run my two main nations according to my preferences and experiment with different styles on my puppets.
The Return of DO
10-04-2005, 15:24
I answer the issues. That's about it.
Random Kingdom
10-04-2005, 19:23
How do you run your country? Do you run it with your own ideals? Or do you deliberately oppress people just for fun?

Mayhap you have two or three nations (or even more!) that you all run differently? Have you made errors in running your country, say adding too many or too little civil rights accidentally? How frequent are your issues?
I run my main nation (Random Kingdom) with most of my ideals, however economical freedoms are increased beyond my stance to keep the nation hanging on the Civil Rights Lovefest/Anarchy border.

Back when I had time, I also ran the puppet nation of Sweatshoponia (it is still there, but I plan to leave it to die). It was intended to be a total right-wing hellhole, but RPs have left it more liberal than it was originally intended.

Geckratonia (I plan to kill this one off too) is modelled after my ideals with the exception of the addition of a dictator. It was intended to be a Benevolent Dictatorship but it has slipped into capitalism.
Random Kingdom
10-04-2005, 19:25
Mine are all set to 2 issues a day and all have custom flags. (RK and Geckratonia are on the same theme and made in the GIMP, but SSO is an old twist on the old RK flag (yellow triangle, blue stripe and red/white background) made in M$Paint.
10-04-2005, 20:00
As a moderate Libertarian (just like my own personal politics).

I max out the issues, and regularly dismiss anything that doesn't jive.
10-04-2005, 20:29
uhm... poorly.
Kzuu Mai
10-04-2005, 20:39
I used to run it as an exact opposite of my own politics, but I've turned around and now run it - roughly - how I'd run a real country (and how I will run the world one day!). Two issues a day, although I dismiss them quite regularly, if they don't have anything I agree with.
10-04-2005, 20:52
Parduna is run according to the standards of some other rp-game I play
(where I'm not in charge), retty rightwing capitalist.
In my other nation I try to figure out, what that special person in my life would have wanted. Quite hard, not to mix things up. :rolleyes:
Two issues per day.
My own political views are of no concern. At least not deliberately.
10-04-2005, 21:43
Well depending on how I feel that day I can be a total left-wing nation or I can be a homicidal impirialistic maniac
10-04-2005, 21:51
Seven crazy right-wingers, two crazy left-wingers, two moderate liberals, and one psychotic dictatorship. The moderate liberals are my personal beliefs, the rest are just for fun.
10-04-2005, 21:51
According to my personal beliefs. I chose the name "Constitutionals" because it reflects my total faith in the Constitution of the United States of America. Except for the Second Amendment. Thomas Jefferson could have been a little clearer on that one.
Buttercup Bulldogs
10-04-2005, 23:12
I have two nations:

The Sultanate of Buttercup Bulldogs is a democratic socialist paradise where most everything is paid for by the state and civil rights and political freedom are excellent.

The People's Republic of Winona County is hell, draconian laws are everywhere. No help is provided by the state, and we take children from childhood and train them to be ruthless savage soldiers. It is pretty much the opposite of the other nation. I try to make it like North Korea, but worse. :mp5:
The Ishinu
11-04-2005, 02:32
I run two of my nations pretty much how I would run a country; which mainly means letting people do whatever they want but paying for social programs. These two nations would probably be pretty nice places to live, were it not for crazy taxes and crippling levels of crime.

Another nation I run as a complete totalitarian hellhole. I made this nation so I could explore alternate governning strategies of good and evil. At least, what I consider to be "good" and "evil." I was planning on making it an economically centrist fascist state, but it's instead turned into a corporate police state - probably because I keep whipping people into working harder.

I have another two nations which I'm not quite sure what to do with.

Strangely enough, my two "good" countries would be roughly on the same place on the poltical compass as I am.
11-04-2005, 09:22
I run my nations pretty psychotic, none of them is a democracy. The only nation with civil rights in the green in Guffingford.
11-04-2005, 10:39
Hmm. Let's see.

Tsaraine started off as my idea of utopia, back in the distant days of December 2002. Somehow it turned into a statist dystopia. C'est la vie.

I also have a gleefully Capitalizt sorta-libertarian nation, a weird sort of semi-socialist democracy with more political freedoms than is good for it, a Conservative nation, another that I'm trying to keep at "Benevolent Dictatorship" by hook or by crook, and one I'm trying to run sensibly.
Snake Eaters
11-04-2005, 11:09
I prefer to run mine as a democracy, despite it somehow turning into a dictatorship! So I RP with it as a democracy.

I try to keep it to what I believe are the correct choices, and despite my 'Fragile' economy, I still have the largest trade surplus in my region, which is always useful. And 62% of my budget is in Law & Order and Defence, so I'm quite militaristic in my approch to things
The Eastern-Coalition
11-04-2005, 11:43
I run several different countries.

One country is arguably the most realistic, with progressive social rights and political rights policies, a realistic taxation rate, and realistic but not overly tight controls on business.

Another country is futuristic. They believe in evolution to the max, and so as you can imagine, social policies are none-existent, and although they are fine with letting you do whatever the hell you want so far as civil and economic rights go, political rights are somewhat less freely available.

I also have a nation effectively ruled by the military, and the arms corporations. They too are lax on civil and economic restrictions, but obviously the structure of the armed forces doesn't allow for any political rights.

There is a nation of religious xenophobes who are against technology in all forms. As you can imagine then, they don't do too well in most ratings, although I have improved their economic rating somewhat. This nation comes the closest to being 'evil', IMO, though it isn't actually so.

This nation, the Eastern-Coalition, I am trying to make into a relatively free communist country, with a focus on the military and social policies. Political rights may never be high, but I hope to keep the other two up.

Another nation I have is effectively ruled by corporations. It's a capitalist dream world, with no taxation to speak of, no government and no restrictions on businesses. As there are no authority organisations, there are no restrictions on civil rights whatsoever, but crime is invariably high as a result. Who cares, though, with a GDP per capita of nearly $47,000?!?

I also have an anarchy nation, and several 'inbetweeners'. I don't think I have any nations which are inherently 'evil'. Seems like a dull way to go, IMO. I also don't believe in creating a nation based on your own beliefs, either. You might get offended if you RP in the forums or anywhere else on the game, and likewise, you might offend.
11-04-2005, 20:38
Taldaan is based on my own political beliefs (lots of rights, lots of equality, lots of immigration) apart from the ludicrously high taxes.

My puppet nation is crazy and right-wing, hates everyone not from the nation, and kidnaps babies for the army. However, they have moderate civil rights, with drugs, gay marriage, etc. legal.
Greater Valia
11-04-2005, 21:21
I run my country according to how it will help me in war. (i.e. strong industries, economy, little to no civil rights) see my countrys stats at third geek here...
11-04-2005, 21:34
My main nation I run according to my own beliefs (Neo-Cobdenism, which no one has ever heard of). Basically Libertarian with a belief in investment in education and free healthcare, plus serious emphasis on free trade. I also believe in Compulsory military service, but that isn't very Cobdenistic!
Although this has meant my defence budget is out of control, but I'm trying to rectify that...