bad defenders
Right thinking whites
25-03-2005, 11:55
why do some "defenders" suport and cheer invaiders, or laugh at, make fun of, and refuse to help natives that ask for help?
25-03-2005, 12:47
why do some "defenders" suport and cheer invaiders, or laugh at, make fun of, and refuse to help natives that ask for help?
Its because probably they want money in exchange for help
25-03-2005, 13:43
Maybe because they are ""defenders""
Please note the emphasis on the word 'defenders', or should I say, defenders ... dessembers ... dissemblers
Crazy girl
25-03-2005, 17:40
got anything specific?
Right thinking whites
25-03-2005, 17:45
The Insanity of Crazy girl
Received: 12 days ago sure, i'll help out you nazis, when you ask onkel adolf to give back my grandfather's bike.
theres one
i'll see if i can find more
Right thinking whites
25-03-2005, 17:48
Pacific Defenders Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
13 hours ago The Borderlands of My Warrior Princess Wow, you guys certainly are on a roll.
I remember Roman Ulyaoth...
*applauds for both the MT Army and ANA*
10 hours ago The Paradoxical Lenten Paradise of Nolaerie *winks at My Warrior Princess ;)*
9 hours ago The MT Army leader of Vippertooth33 Thanks Warrior Princess :)
New Stormfront is ours :)
only problem the delegate is ofline :( have to wait a while
9 hours ago The Special Forces Unit of Eagles Disobey Good work Vippertooth33,I was watching the action there tonight :)
9 hours ago The Special Forces Unit of Eagles Disobey Christians was successfully defended from invaders tonight,Good work guys :)
8 hours ago The MT Army leader of Vippertooth33 cool
8 hours ago The Special Forces Unit of Eagles Disobey It looks like the Nazi's are starting to get boxed in.Doesn't it ;)
8 hours ago The MT Army leader of Vippertooth33 cya later mates
8 hours ago The MT Army leader of Vippertooth33 the nazis...comparied to when i started they are nothing but ants now.
8 hours ago The Special Forces Unit of Eagles Disobey LOL :)
25-03-2005, 17:54
why do some "defenders" suport and cheer invaiders, or laugh at, make fun of, and refuse to help natives that ask for help?
Looking at your nation name, I'm contemplating that you might be complaining that some defenders are not willing to help defend racist regions (consider that not all defenders are white...) Also, some defenders are not willing to defend regions which spend their time invading others.
The bottomline is, I think, that if you wish for others to be nice to you, you'll have to be nice to others as well.
Right thinking whites
25-03-2005, 19:06
Looking at your nation name, I'm contemplating that you might be complaining that some defenders are not willing to help defend racist regions (consider that not all defenders are white...) Also, some defenders are not willing to defend regions which spend their time invading others.
The bottomline is, I think, that if you wish for others to be nice to you, you'll have to be nice to others as well.
brings up a point, i as a person that plays ns has never invaided though i have defended, i also have wished no ill will on any one here, yet it seems that the libs still dont relise to change the world being nice works better then being forceful
Crazy girl
25-03-2005, 19:08
yeah, the region that asked for help was one that was hateful to certain groups of humans. groups i happen to have very good friends with.
just hope one day you will realise the true beauty of being different, but yet more the same than you'd imagine.
25-03-2005, 20:38
yet it seems that the libs still dont relise to change the world being nice works better then being forceful
Sorry, but why again have we turned to bashing liberals here?
The problem doesn't lie with liberals here.
Nobody is required to help defend a region. If someone dislikes what a region stands for, they are in no way required to help defend it, and they can certainly even help invade it if they wish.
Being a defender does not require you to defend everybody.
Right thinking whites
25-03-2005, 20:53
Sorry, but why again have we turned to bashing liberals here?
The problem doesn't lie with liberals here.
Nobody is required to help defend a region. If someone dislikes what a region stands for, they are in no way required to help defend it, and they can certainly even help invade it if they wish.
Being a defender does not require you to defend everybody.
sounds kinda hypocritical
Laidoff computer-geeks
25-03-2005, 20:59
In real life, countries that do things that a majority of other countries feel are wrong (like supporting nazi-ism, commiting acts of ethnic cleansing, violations of geneva conventions, ect.) Often get invaded and bombed to peices. Of course often there will be dimplomatic attempts to get the powers to be to change their habits, but in this case there really is no diplomatic way to say, "please stop hating non-white people." Nicely asking someone to stop hating someone else is like trying to take down a brick wall with a block of government cheese. Most like likley you are risking a nasty smelly mess on your hands, rather than anything productive. Here we do not have a real model of other things such as sanctions or tax/ import penalizations to rely on to keep the morraly reprehensible within reason. So we resort to invading. As for the comments.. Well, that is a personal thing that each of the defenders/ invaders has to answer for. I personally (and I am white) detest racists of ANY ethnic back ground (not only whites are racist) and having seen the destruction of everything that could be good in a persons life, due to racism, see no reason to be nice those who practice it. In every society, if you act in an inappropriate way you can expect to be punished for it. I see no reason to push to change this in NationStates and to do so would make the simulation unrealistic and pointless.. Ever hear of free speech? Don't use it to get across your belifs and then damn it for being there for those who disagree.. :rolleyes:
Crazy girl
25-03-2005, 21:18
so i'm a hypocrite....... :D
The Most Glorious Hack
26-03-2005, 10:35
sounds kinda hypocritical
Not in the slightest. Hypocritical would be if defenders invaded those regions.
Puppet nr 784512
26-03-2005, 10:56
Not in the slightest. Hypocritical would be if defenders invaded those regions.
Ya know, it would be really hypocritical if invaders started defending those regions... :p
Right thinking whites
26-03-2005, 15:42
Not in the slightest. Hypocritical would be if defenders invaded those regions.
like 2 of the pacific defenders did in The fascist haven
26-03-2005, 16:18
sounds kinda hypocritical
Since when does participating in defending obligate one to defend every region every time? I personally have no troubles with defending Nazis like yourself, but I also have no problem placing your regions under the control of my iron fisted libertarianism. Maybe I should start doing that, and invite all my friends of different races and creeds to come in and take part. :p
27-03-2005, 05:11
sounds kinda hypocritical
People have already argued against this, so I won't just parrot their arguments...obviously you feel, unless they are hypocrites, that defender regions should indeed defend ALL the regions who ask for help, am I right?
The thing is, you have also noted that you have played the defender role before.
And I assume you're not a "hypocrite."
Therefore, I have no doubt in my mind that if a region called "Welfare-Sucking Lazy Minorities" was invaded by a different group of "right-thinking whites," unaffiliated with your country/region, and the Minorities asked for your help in defending them, you would. :D
Right thinking whites
28-03-2005, 11:15
People have already argued against this, so I won't just parrot their arguments...obviously you feel, unless they are hypocrites, that defender regions should indeed defend ALL the regions who ask for help, am I right?
The thing is, you have also noted that you have played the defender role before.
And I assume you're not a "hypocrite."
Therefore, I have no doubt in my mind that if a region called "Welfare-Sucking Lazy Minorities" was invaded by a different group of "right-thinking whites," unaffiliated with your country/region, and the Minorities asked for your help in defending them, you would. :Dyes, i think invaision is the worst part of the game