24-03-2005, 21:31
Welcome to the Empire of Nationalistica, a giant land mass spanning several continents that is rich in many resources and known for its beautiful terrain...well...before we destroyed it.
This is the home to a collection of nationalistic nations extremely patriotic and loyal to the Empire. Our military is the best trained, highly equipped and well funded in the world. Our goal: world domination, our enemy: the liberals of the world.
Liberals are a plague on the Earth that must be eradicated. It is not uncommon to find Nationalistica authorities executing liberals on sight, or beating them in the streets whenever and wherever they find them. The only liberals you will find here are either dead, or collaborating with the empire against their fellow liberals. All other liberals will find no solace here so don't you tree hugging hippies come to our region unless you enjoy suffering.
Like what you see? Then by all means move your nation to the Empire of Nationalistica today. We are always looking for fresh reinforcements to add to the troops already fighting on the front lines against the global liberals. Conservative, Neoconservative, Fascist and religious regimes especially welcome. All that we ask, if you do decide to move here is that you implement the national currency of the Empire, the Liberal skull. The United States of Nationalistica reserves the right to boot any nations that have moved to this region and not switched to the Liberal skull within a period of 72 hours, which is 3 days for anyone who's wondering (to change your currency, go to settings on the left hand side of the main page, and change your currency there). Death to our enemies! Death to the liberals! And long live the Empire of Nationalistica!
To Find this region, go to:
To view the statistics of this region, go here:
The Empire of Nationalistica currently consists of 19 nations, all of which are listed below with a brief description of that nation, note that this will be updated as time goes by:
The United States of Nationalistica
The United States of Nationalistica, a people originally from the islands of Nationalists, founded the Empire of Nationalistica after waging a regional war along with its allies known as the 'Grand Alliance' against all the liberal nation states of a nearby region by the name of Ameranta. The reason for the Grand Alliance's invasion of Ameranta? Skulls, real human liberal skulls which are used as the national currency. The Grand Alliance occupation of Ameranta lasted a total of 7 days, in which hundreds of millions of liberals were annihilated. It also provided plenty of liberal skulls.
The Grand Alliance having caused such widespread destruction and chaos finally decided to leave and let the liberals govern themselves when the Emperor of Nationalistica finally grew tired of the harrowing task of quelling the constantly dissenting liberal populace. The Grand Alliance, although far superior militarily to the liberal nations, was outnumbered by the rebellious liberals. Liberal terrorist attacks by eco-freaks, renegade hippies, Michael Moore-following suicide bombers and treehuggin revolutionaries were beginning to increase against the soldiers of the Grand Alliance in the final days. Absolute law and order could not be established with the short supply of manpower the Grand Alliance was supplied with, every time a group of liberals were massacred, double that number rose up to take their place, and so withdrawal from the region was the only option.
7 of the Grand Alliance nations departed Ameranta to found a region of their own, the 3 remaining members decided to stay behind. As the Grand Alliance made way through Ameranta and to the north, it left behind a trail of destruction, Ameranta was in a state of panic, houses were being burned, people and animals shot on sight and the surrounding country side ravaged. When the Grand Alliance finally reached their new found region, it was reported by CNN that over 500 million liberals had been slaughtered in the Grand Alliance occupation of Ameranta, by comparison just under 11 million soldiers and civilians of the Grand Alliance had been killed.
When the new region was founded the 7 nations of the Grand Alliance abandoned their old title and took on the new name: 'the Empire of Nationalistica'.
Nationalistica immediately made defense its priority, the military established control of the area with a third of the forces moving to the front lines bordering Ameranta and the other two thirds fanning out and laying claim to the connected continents inhabited only by primitive locals. The locals were enslaved, killed and forced to serve in the military of the Empire. The old liberal skull currency was abolished and instead replaced with gold coin sized objects molded in the form of a liberal's skull for practicality reasons. UPDATE: The nations of the Empire of Nationalistica recently voted on whether or not to return to the old currency of real liberal skulls and the motion passed with a clear majority. Real liberal skulls are once again the currency of the empire.
Nationalistica currently controls 3 continents and has established peace with the locals who have slowly become nationalists and patriots to the Empire.
The United States of Nationalistica has not announced any plans for further regional conquest or occupation as of yet, however skirmishes do occur on a regular basis against the bordering Amerantan liberals. When asked what the Empire of Nationalistica would be doing now, the Emperor of Nationalistica stated that "Nationalistica needs to concentrate on building a huge military force, larger then the world has ever seen, before we begin our war of global domination. This will require the recruitment of additional nations to our region, a task we have yet to undertake". Although Nationalistica has shunned the United Nations in the past, the Emperor did manage to leave Nationalistica membership in the UN as a future possibility "We may need to join that pathetic organization to gain a foothold in the world eventually, although I still cannot see how the empire could ever be part of such a peace loving hippy organization, we shall see what happens".
The history of Nationalistica and the former Grand Alliance's dealings with the Amerantians can be found here:
The Confederacy of Liberalhaters
Are just that, a confederacy of liberal hating people. They are fiercely loyal to the Empire, and by far the most ruthless of the anti liberal nation states of Nationalistica.
The Constitutional Monarchy of Conservaton
These hardcore conservatives are loyal to the Empire, and known as the most tolerant of political freedoms of the former members of the Grand Alliance. Military is their priority and their economy is one of the strongest in the Empire.
The Principality of Those who love gold
Known as the most left leaning of the former Grand Alliance nations, the principality of those who love gold are are also known for their love of Gold. It is common to find most things made of gold when walking through the streets of this nation, the people wear gold clothing, houses are painted gold, pets are painted gold...these people really do love gold.
The Rogue Nation of Slavecatchers
The nation of Slavecatchers are a racist nation of slavers who enslave all those different from them, so basically non white people. They are forbidden however from enslaving civilians of the empire, which isn't a problem really, since pretty much everybody in the Empire is white.
The Theocracy of Patriotic Christians
This nation is an extremely religious militant powerhouse. Christianity is the way of life here, you will find no one in this nation who isn't a Christian. This nation is extremely loyal to the Empire and is always ready to go war for it.
The Democratic Republic of Republicanites
The nation of Republicanites is home to a bunch of Republicans, everyone is extremely conservative here and anti liberal. They fit in well in the empire, and are also known for their extreme patriotism to the Empire.
As new nations arrive, please state a little about your nation in this forum. And remember Loyalty to the Empire is compulsory.
The Dictatorship of Neo-Nazites
The nation of Neo-Nazites is a nation of Nazis, there are no jews, no liberals, and no people of any color whatsoever in Neo-Nazites. This is a whites only nation, and only those of Aryan decent are allowed to live here. Neo-Nazies has pledged allegiance to the empire, and looks forward to joining the main army to go out and remove the liberal ideology from the planet.
The Incorporated States of Malevolent Scientists
The Incorporated States of Malevolent Scientists is the land of mad scientists, our scientists are crazy here, and if you come here it is most likely you will be experimented on. Many captured liberals are sent to this nation and make excellent subjects for this nation of scientists. Scientific research is a priority here, and the land of Malevolent scientists is the leading provider of scientific research to the empire. Thanks to the Incorporated States of Malevolent Scientists, the empire will always be on top and state of the art when it comes to scientific advances.
The combined nations of the Bums
Bumica, Colon Land, Zeppelonous, and finally Bums Hobos and Tramps have joined The Empire of Nationalistica. These four nations are united with two single purposes; to multiply, and to live a life of dignity. Safe to say, free-thinking is not a dignified way of life. With a great population of 125,000,000 angry, conservative bums who have dropped their hoes and pitchforks to serve The Empire, the nations of the Bums are a welcome addition.
The Dictatorship of Godlike Oilmen
The Dictatorship of Godlike Oilmen finally arrived a couple days after the founding of the Empire of Nationalistica. Originally a founding member of the liberal hating Grand alliance, the nation of Godlike Oilmen is a ruthless, bloodthirsty nation where the hatred for liberals runs deep among the general population. Also credited with creating the Empire's catch phrase which all nations use "Death to liberals".
The Theocracy of Gods Chosen Nation
The theocracy of Gods Chosen is a nation of strong believers in the almighty God, and strong believers in the idea that all Liberals must die. One of the original Members of the Grand Alliance, this nation arrived shortly after the Empire was founded.
The Empire of Xzen
Welcome to the Empire of Xzen, where our crack team of rigid, uptight, constipated generals, bureaucrats, scientists and leading party members are, as we speak, breaking new grounds in the fine art of oppressing and crushing any form of free will. For us, Freedom is the F word.
The Kingdom of The Worms of Brixton
The Kingdom of the worms of Brixton is a nation known for its intense hatred of liberals. Ruled by extremists, the favorite past time here is executing liberals found throughout the nation...its fun for the whole family.
The Queendom of Crackwhores and Skanks
The Queendom of Crackwhores and Skanks is a nation made up entirely of Crackwhores and Skanks. Drugs flow freely through this nation, and its all female population specializes in prostitution with many of the neighboring nations in the empire being the biggest buyers. Although they are liberal, the Queendom are collaborators, just as long as their business keeps running and there is always a steady flow of drugs (most notably crack) coming in at all times.
The Confederacy of Briatonan
The Confederacy of Briatonan is a dictatorship of religious, gun loving, extreme right wing over-zealous group of people who specialize in liberal slavery. Liberal slavery is the number one business in Briatonan, firearm distribution the second. Guns flow freely through this nation, everyone has a gun and no one trusts anyone. Thinking of coming to Briatonan? Then arm yourself, otherwise you wont last long.
This is the home to a collection of nationalistic nations extremely patriotic and loyal to the Empire. Our military is the best trained, highly equipped and well funded in the world. Our goal: world domination, our enemy: the liberals of the world.
Liberals are a plague on the Earth that must be eradicated. It is not uncommon to find Nationalistica authorities executing liberals on sight, or beating them in the streets whenever and wherever they find them. The only liberals you will find here are either dead, or collaborating with the empire against their fellow liberals. All other liberals will find no solace here so don't you tree hugging hippies come to our region unless you enjoy suffering.
Like what you see? Then by all means move your nation to the Empire of Nationalistica today. We are always looking for fresh reinforcements to add to the troops already fighting on the front lines against the global liberals. Conservative, Neoconservative, Fascist and religious regimes especially welcome. All that we ask, if you do decide to move here is that you implement the national currency of the Empire, the Liberal skull. The United States of Nationalistica reserves the right to boot any nations that have moved to this region and not switched to the Liberal skull within a period of 72 hours, which is 3 days for anyone who's wondering (to change your currency, go to settings on the left hand side of the main page, and change your currency there). Death to our enemies! Death to the liberals! And long live the Empire of Nationalistica!
To Find this region, go to:
To view the statistics of this region, go here:
The Empire of Nationalistica currently consists of 19 nations, all of which are listed below with a brief description of that nation, note that this will be updated as time goes by:
The United States of Nationalistica
The United States of Nationalistica, a people originally from the islands of Nationalists, founded the Empire of Nationalistica after waging a regional war along with its allies known as the 'Grand Alliance' against all the liberal nation states of a nearby region by the name of Ameranta. The reason for the Grand Alliance's invasion of Ameranta? Skulls, real human liberal skulls which are used as the national currency. The Grand Alliance occupation of Ameranta lasted a total of 7 days, in which hundreds of millions of liberals were annihilated. It also provided plenty of liberal skulls.
The Grand Alliance having caused such widespread destruction and chaos finally decided to leave and let the liberals govern themselves when the Emperor of Nationalistica finally grew tired of the harrowing task of quelling the constantly dissenting liberal populace. The Grand Alliance, although far superior militarily to the liberal nations, was outnumbered by the rebellious liberals. Liberal terrorist attacks by eco-freaks, renegade hippies, Michael Moore-following suicide bombers and treehuggin revolutionaries were beginning to increase against the soldiers of the Grand Alliance in the final days. Absolute law and order could not be established with the short supply of manpower the Grand Alliance was supplied with, every time a group of liberals were massacred, double that number rose up to take their place, and so withdrawal from the region was the only option.
7 of the Grand Alliance nations departed Ameranta to found a region of their own, the 3 remaining members decided to stay behind. As the Grand Alliance made way through Ameranta and to the north, it left behind a trail of destruction, Ameranta was in a state of panic, houses were being burned, people and animals shot on sight and the surrounding country side ravaged. When the Grand Alliance finally reached their new found region, it was reported by CNN that over 500 million liberals had been slaughtered in the Grand Alliance occupation of Ameranta, by comparison just under 11 million soldiers and civilians of the Grand Alliance had been killed.
When the new region was founded the 7 nations of the Grand Alliance abandoned their old title and took on the new name: 'the Empire of Nationalistica'.
Nationalistica immediately made defense its priority, the military established control of the area with a third of the forces moving to the front lines bordering Ameranta and the other two thirds fanning out and laying claim to the connected continents inhabited only by primitive locals. The locals were enslaved, killed and forced to serve in the military of the Empire. The old liberal skull currency was abolished and instead replaced with gold coin sized objects molded in the form of a liberal's skull for practicality reasons. UPDATE: The nations of the Empire of Nationalistica recently voted on whether or not to return to the old currency of real liberal skulls and the motion passed with a clear majority. Real liberal skulls are once again the currency of the empire.
Nationalistica currently controls 3 continents and has established peace with the locals who have slowly become nationalists and patriots to the Empire.
The United States of Nationalistica has not announced any plans for further regional conquest or occupation as of yet, however skirmishes do occur on a regular basis against the bordering Amerantan liberals. When asked what the Empire of Nationalistica would be doing now, the Emperor of Nationalistica stated that "Nationalistica needs to concentrate on building a huge military force, larger then the world has ever seen, before we begin our war of global domination. This will require the recruitment of additional nations to our region, a task we have yet to undertake". Although Nationalistica has shunned the United Nations in the past, the Emperor did manage to leave Nationalistica membership in the UN as a future possibility "We may need to join that pathetic organization to gain a foothold in the world eventually, although I still cannot see how the empire could ever be part of such a peace loving hippy organization, we shall see what happens".
The history of Nationalistica and the former Grand Alliance's dealings with the Amerantians can be found here:
The Confederacy of Liberalhaters
Are just that, a confederacy of liberal hating people. They are fiercely loyal to the Empire, and by far the most ruthless of the anti liberal nation states of Nationalistica.
The Constitutional Monarchy of Conservaton
These hardcore conservatives are loyal to the Empire, and known as the most tolerant of political freedoms of the former members of the Grand Alliance. Military is their priority and their economy is one of the strongest in the Empire.
The Principality of Those who love gold
Known as the most left leaning of the former Grand Alliance nations, the principality of those who love gold are are also known for their love of Gold. It is common to find most things made of gold when walking through the streets of this nation, the people wear gold clothing, houses are painted gold, pets are painted gold...these people really do love gold.
The Rogue Nation of Slavecatchers
The nation of Slavecatchers are a racist nation of slavers who enslave all those different from them, so basically non white people. They are forbidden however from enslaving civilians of the empire, which isn't a problem really, since pretty much everybody in the Empire is white.
The Theocracy of Patriotic Christians
This nation is an extremely religious militant powerhouse. Christianity is the way of life here, you will find no one in this nation who isn't a Christian. This nation is extremely loyal to the Empire and is always ready to go war for it.
The Democratic Republic of Republicanites
The nation of Republicanites is home to a bunch of Republicans, everyone is extremely conservative here and anti liberal. They fit in well in the empire, and are also known for their extreme patriotism to the Empire.
As new nations arrive, please state a little about your nation in this forum. And remember Loyalty to the Empire is compulsory.
The Dictatorship of Neo-Nazites
The nation of Neo-Nazites is a nation of Nazis, there are no jews, no liberals, and no people of any color whatsoever in Neo-Nazites. This is a whites only nation, and only those of Aryan decent are allowed to live here. Neo-Nazies has pledged allegiance to the empire, and looks forward to joining the main army to go out and remove the liberal ideology from the planet.
The Incorporated States of Malevolent Scientists
The Incorporated States of Malevolent Scientists is the land of mad scientists, our scientists are crazy here, and if you come here it is most likely you will be experimented on. Many captured liberals are sent to this nation and make excellent subjects for this nation of scientists. Scientific research is a priority here, and the land of Malevolent scientists is the leading provider of scientific research to the empire. Thanks to the Incorporated States of Malevolent Scientists, the empire will always be on top and state of the art when it comes to scientific advances.
The combined nations of the Bums
Bumica, Colon Land, Zeppelonous, and finally Bums Hobos and Tramps have joined The Empire of Nationalistica. These four nations are united with two single purposes; to multiply, and to live a life of dignity. Safe to say, free-thinking is not a dignified way of life. With a great population of 125,000,000 angry, conservative bums who have dropped their hoes and pitchforks to serve The Empire, the nations of the Bums are a welcome addition.
The Dictatorship of Godlike Oilmen
The Dictatorship of Godlike Oilmen finally arrived a couple days after the founding of the Empire of Nationalistica. Originally a founding member of the liberal hating Grand alliance, the nation of Godlike Oilmen is a ruthless, bloodthirsty nation where the hatred for liberals runs deep among the general population. Also credited with creating the Empire's catch phrase which all nations use "Death to liberals".
The Theocracy of Gods Chosen Nation
The theocracy of Gods Chosen is a nation of strong believers in the almighty God, and strong believers in the idea that all Liberals must die. One of the original Members of the Grand Alliance, this nation arrived shortly after the Empire was founded.
The Empire of Xzen
Welcome to the Empire of Xzen, where our crack team of rigid, uptight, constipated generals, bureaucrats, scientists and leading party members are, as we speak, breaking new grounds in the fine art of oppressing and crushing any form of free will. For us, Freedom is the F word.
The Kingdom of The Worms of Brixton
The Kingdom of the worms of Brixton is a nation known for its intense hatred of liberals. Ruled by extremists, the favorite past time here is executing liberals found throughout the nation...its fun for the whole family.
The Queendom of Crackwhores and Skanks
The Queendom of Crackwhores and Skanks is a nation made up entirely of Crackwhores and Skanks. Drugs flow freely through this nation, and its all female population specializes in prostitution with many of the neighboring nations in the empire being the biggest buyers. Although they are liberal, the Queendom are collaborators, just as long as their business keeps running and there is always a steady flow of drugs (most notably crack) coming in at all times.
The Confederacy of Briatonan
The Confederacy of Briatonan is a dictatorship of religious, gun loving, extreme right wing over-zealous group of people who specialize in liberal slavery. Liberal slavery is the number one business in Briatonan, firearm distribution the second. Guns flow freely through this nation, everyone has a gun and no one trusts anyone. Thinking of coming to Briatonan? Then arm yourself, otherwise you wont last long.