WANTED - New Region
23-03-2005, 07:58
Elsburytonia seeks a new region to call home.
Seeking a right wing racially tollerent region.
Regional free trade agreements a must.
Regions who attack the UN preferred.
Submissions should be made in writting. (Bribes accepted)
Van Demans Land
23-03-2005, 08:05
sounds like an good region youre looking for. If you find it let me kno because i also am looking for a new region due to the recent colapse of my old region.
Try this one. I am the only socialist in the region. However, only one nation is a really evil looking place. We have nothing wrtten down because we all know each other but, there is no UN rep by treaty and there is a treaty of no war between occupants. Several couldn't/wouldn't abide by that and were kicked out.
There is also a mutual defense pact between all but two of the nations
The Free Pirate Islands of Cuthroatia
Tera Nova
(Note the intentional misspelling of the region)
Holy Farminan Empire
Mutual security
Right wing
Anti UN
Very anti NATO
ABSOLUTE free trade, no subisidies of any form allowed
Power centralised in Farmina
Compulsory Catholicism
Pandoria Diplomatic
24-03-2005, 01:36
The Region of Pandoria is on the lookout for new nations. We are an inclusive and diverse region
24-03-2005, 02:14
Hmm, try Gatesville, they're anti-UN (or at least say they are).
Gatesville is very right-wing and very anti-UN. They are involved in trade pacts and a couple of Anti-UN alliances.
They fit your criteria well.
I am a High Council member from the region of Gatesville.
Our World factbook entry is:
our goal is to stop the UN's dastardly plot to form a One World Order by infringing on a nations sovereignty. All nations are urged to join the UN in order to fight the beast we must get close to him.
We have over 1000 nations from everywhere and many are active on our boards. Come check it out, we are always looking for new and active nations.
We are also looking to expand as well and offer Gatesville franchised regions.