Getting rid of the 'corrupt' trait
22-03-2005, 13:12
How on Earth do I do it? Is it because my 'government waste' (according to NSEconomy) is high?
How would I get rid of this 'corrupt' trait?
22-03-2005, 13:50
Well, I'm a "corrupt dictatorship" myself. I'd have to say that the best way to remain a dictatorship while losing the corruptness is to gradualy increase civil rights while keeping political freedon about the same.
22-03-2005, 17:18
I'm talking about the 'corrupt' trait in the 2nd paragraph, not in the UN category.
Your about always corrupt if u chose for corporations of the civil rights and such.
The Most Glorious Hack
23-03-2005, 12:15
Your about always corrupt if u chose for corporations of the civil rights and such.
Um, no.
"Corrupt" blends a few different traits, but generally it lurks around of the extremes. Way too much freedom, or way too little freedom often gives you that descriptor.
power corrupts, give any section too much power and you get the trait.
24-03-2005, 04:54
I've gotten rid of it by picking a certain option in one of the issues but the same option also trashes your economy so I don't know if you want that. The issue is:
17: Corporations Demand Political Say. Opt. 2, takes corrpution out of your description and lowers your crime rate, your economy, your political freedoms and increases your taxes by 1%.