My National Animal
14-03-2005, 07:48
My national animal is the jackalope.
What is yours?
Is yours better or worse than mine, why or why not?
Importance of Pie
14-03-2005, 09:20
My national animal is the Stinky Cheese Weasel.
Mine is better, it worships The Importance of Pie. Pie is good.
Our national animal is the Tabu Nekku, or "Lucky Cat". We consider it superior to any other national animal, and credit it with vast intelligence and psychic powers owing to long tradition and historical significance.
Of course, if we didn't, we'd have to wipe out the ferocious cat because of it's nasty temperment, long sharp claws, long sharp teeth, and did we mention its generally pissy temperment?
14-03-2005, 10:55
No national animal could be cuter than the tapeworm!
14-03-2005, 11:04
Mine is the Silver-Wing dove.
There is a story behind it, but I aint gonna go into it.
14-03-2005, 11:26
My national animal is the sloth. I think it is neither better nor worse than any other nations national animal. The sloth is are we all.
Thank you and thanks.
La torretta dorata
14-03-2005, 14:01
The jaguar ..
14-03-2005, 14:08
The Woodstock. Every National leader needs a cometent Secretary. ;)
14-03-2005, 14:12
My National Animal is the Polar bear its superior as it could kick the crap out of any other animal on this forum! bahahaha! *evil laugh* :sniper:
Dragons and whatnot
14-03-2005, 17:24
My national animal is the white in the white rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. But rabbit with big nasty pointy teeth wouldn't fit in the entry box. :)
Kaiser Martens
14-03-2005, 18:28
The Wolf: The perfect combination between social and hunting skills, it can be fierce or it can be loyal, and when grouped in packs one of them is to lead...heh
Besides, it fits our weather....
14-03-2005, 18:41
the Cabbit: breeds prolificly, prone to sadism, tend to hunt in packs, able to disembowel a polar bear with a single swipe of it's claws, plus, its cute and fluffy...
14-03-2005, 19:10
the buffalo
Ninja Zombie Dinosaurs
14-03-2005, 20:06
My national animal is the human. Of course, they're a bit endangered at the moment... but that's the way we like them hereabouts. :D
The Vaxintorians
14-03-2005, 20:46
My National Animal is the Polar bear its superior as it could kick the crap out of any other animal on this forum! bahahaha! *evil laugh* :sniper:
I'd love to see a polar bear take on one of my giant evil spiders...
Sphinx the Great
14-03-2005, 21:21
My national animal is the Lion. Common. Great Sphinx? Lions?? They are pratically one in the same. They make a delicious appetizer too.
Snake Eaters
14-03-2005, 21:24
The Cobra! Kinda fits the name, don't you think. I would go into details, but I could be ages. It's devious, and lethal if you anger it... just like me
Aronian States
14-03-2005, 21:29
none of you could stand the awesome stupidity of the lemmngs!
14-03-2005, 21:29
Our national animal is the fruit fly. Because 1. We don't have to "compensate" with bigger flashier animals 2. The fruit fly provides food for numerous other species that are very important ecologically and often overlooked 3. It helps us to understand ourselves and the biological workings of our molecular bits 'n' pieces. Can your animal claim to be as useful? No.
Sphinx the Great
14-03-2005, 21:34
none of you could stand the awesome stupidity of the lemmngs!
I don't think I can argue with you t here. Hey! Sphinx the Great has a mountain range off to the west. Do you want me to find a nice high peak for them to jump off? The lions in that region have been awefully hungry lately and I know that they would be greatful to have some freshly squashed lemmings.
Mordor And Haradwaith
14-03-2005, 23:58
I think my national animal, the Mumakil, could kill all of yours. :mp5:
15-03-2005, 06:11
haha..I chose the mighty lemming also! :)
My clown fish will own you all!
Once my scientists figure out how to re-introduce them to Tanzarr's forests that is. Right now when they're released into the wild they just flop around on the ground for a bit then die. It's quite frustrating.
My national animal is the wandrella, a 200-600 foot carnivorous worm. They've been known to swallow semi tractor-trailers. WHOLE. 'Nuff said. :D
Hellacious Pacifists
15-03-2005, 19:43
My nation's animal is the two toed sloth. Sloths are gentle,laid back,and never in a rush. Not lazy in the least they just know that life is too short to stress! ;)
15-03-2005, 20:02
Here comes the Griffon as my national animal. It represents majesty and wisdom...and to take a bit of confusion into my nation it represents order which i usually lack ^^
15-03-2005, 21:00
The fuzzy puppy frolicks in the forests and sleeps on fabulous beanbag chairs that Her Royal Loveliness, Queen Smukke XIII, purchased on trade from Slobberstan in return for some Bully Sticks for that fine nation's canine population. The Bully Sticks, incidentally were a trade item from neighboring Outlet Shopping, which has no canine population of its own (poor people).
Her Loveliness has also sent a pair of our Fuzzy Puppies to the nation of Canine Despotism, as a token of friendship and tail-wagging.
Other dog-friendly nations should feel free to send us telegrams for trade and other arrangements.
The national animal of Gnyphia is the gnyffel. The gnyffel lives in packs around mountains, and feeds on caravans which they attack by hiding in sand.
Silly Sharks
15-03-2005, 22:29
My mighty chimp is greate than all these puny animals!
Human Divinity
16-03-2005, 19:53
My national animal is the dragon. I'd like to see a polar bear who can deal with 1500 kilos of scaled, fire breathing fury.
Plus they're cute.
Silly Sharks
16-03-2005, 20:38
My national animal is the dragon. I'd like to see a polar bear who can deal with 1500 kilos of scaled, fire breathing fury.
Plus they're cute.
A chimp can easily kill a dragon.
(Especially when they've got missiles on their back)
16-03-2005, 22:38
Mine is the cat of unknown origin, because I have a cat and I don't know where it came from.
:mp5:? Jihad smilies?
My national animal is the Raging Goblin.
its the best because it goes "WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"
The national animal of the People's Republic of Sechwan is the deer. Sweet, sweet venison.
17-03-2005, 00:54
Cobdenia is the Great Crested Newt; which are ridden as part of our national hobby of Missionary Hunting, in which one chases a Missionary across the croquet lawn whilst on newt-back, clad in a cloth cap, morning coat, army boots, string vest and loin cloth
My animal is the all holy Wingless Flying Bird. :)
Deep in the bamboo forests of academe lives the humble research assistant (adiutrix exquisita). This pale, timid creature usually spends its time eating, sleeping, playing games, and gazing in wonder at its enormous navel. This is sporadically interrupted by frenetic bursts of solitary work in its underground burrows, often lasting several days without breaks for rest or grooming. The research assistant startles easily and if disturbed during a work phase, it may exhibit signs of panic: Disorientation, fainting, aggression, and prolonged fits of weeping.
Mine's the vulture.
Not very imaginative, but have you seen one in real life? They're cool. I love the way they move their necks :)
Het Verbazen
17-03-2005, 16:20
Mine's the manatee
New Mirruin
18-03-2005, 04:19
Th' Dragon is kool!!!!!! PROVE ME WRONG!
I DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dragons, being a fire-breathing race, are very seldom to have an accurate descriptor of cool.
Goblins, however, are great for pets, servants, and hunting.
Geitak's national animal is the octopus, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.
18-03-2005, 06:49
The Rude Boy! This gets very creepy when they breed w/ dogs and stuff....whoa
18-03-2005, 06:57
lynx, lynx, lynx, what other animal has a cooler name... i mean, a y and an x in the same 4 letter word. f'real man
The Grand Mystic
18-03-2005, 07:44
The ethereal liger is the national animal of my nation.
18-03-2005, 19:45
This national animal will strike fear into the hearts of all mankind. And by fear, i mean loathing. And by animal, I mean Tony Danza.
Everyone hates Tony Danza. My wild pack of them will invade any country to attract middle aged women with a cornucopia of badly written jokes and gags.
The apocalypse is here. Its called extravadanza.
Republican Mindslaves
18-03-2005, 21:24
behold my national animal... the democrat. they were almost hunted to extinction but now they are a few left and are displayed at zoos. splendid creatures they are. nice to look at but not meant to be heard.
19-03-2005, 12:32
The Syncophantian national animal is the Slime Mould
Slime moulds exhibit characteristics of both fungi and animals. In the feeding stage, the slime moulds moves about as a mass of protoplasm (the plasmodium) feeding on bacteria, spores, and other organic matter much like an amoeba. When the food supply is exhausted or other unfavourable conditions occur, the plasmodium changes, taking on the appearance of a fungus.
Now, how cute is that? :fluffle:
19-03-2005, 15:18
mine is the badger because it could horribly maul any other animal. plus their just so darn cute... and tasty!
19-03-2005, 19:21
Buffaloes Rule!!!
19-03-2005, 19:26
Anger-land's national animal is the Angry Dragon. The reason it is angry is that our national saint - St George - killed its ancestor. And quite right too!
Grise Fiord
19-03-2005, 19:35
My nation animal is the Muskox
29-03-2005, 21:30
Ok, my national animal is the panda, and it owns yours nomatter what because pandas are flippin sweet. :) and to anyone who thinks their national animal is better :upyours:
From, Evantopia
Tiago Silva
30-03-2005, 04:20
This is my national animal: the Mini-Peï
While Meditating
"Fofinho" - The Archtype of the Mini-Peï
The Mini-Peï is the avatar of the Universe.
It's a shame that the name can't be displayed correctly.
31-03-2005, 08:02
In Whimception, our national animal is the dust mite.
Like Jackelopes, I have only ever seen them on television.
It has been suggested that we try making dust mite kebabs. That seems impractical, but it made me chuckle.
How many oxygen molecules (our national currency) would you pay to own a pet dust mite?
New Grunz
31-03-2005, 19:05
Mine is the leprechaun and my puppet is the Boohbah