...or am I the only one? Just wondering. :) Most of the nation leaders I've seen on the RP boards are surprisingly balanced.
The NationStates Bat
28-02-2005, 15:13
Contact or look at Drapol
28-02-2005, 17:07
The dictatorship of my nation is a personality cult. The1984state is Headed by Big Brother, a figure that is eternal, that shall never die, because the people of the Inner Party of control are the mind and policy of Big Brother.
The system is perfect, and Big Brother is seen as the leader, the knowledgable one, amongst the outer party and the proles.
So in other words, you are not alone. :)
And YAY 1984! ^_^ So Big Brother actually exists in your state? Or is he just a figurehead image type thingy, like in the book?
I'm surprised not to see more Kim Jong-Il types on here, actually...
Realy Mean People
01-03-2005, 03:48
Mr region is a dictator region come check us out The american mafia.We have many allies and all of our jobs our availible. My nations name is realy mean people. If you want to come join us and any other dictator nations wishing to join may come.
Viva la Mafia
B.P :sniper:
Slap Yo Mama
01-03-2005, 05:43
my nation is a psychotic dictatorship. check it out some time :)