To Chronosia and the rest of the GE:
Wolf America
23-02-2005, 02:05
Thanks for mess NS up for me and my friends. If y’all did play the game right and not running around POWERING people, the game would have been fun. I’m tried of y’alls bull crap. And hope the GE falls in the near future. I told my friends that this was a good game and they saw how you act with me. Now, they are quitting because of y’all. I hope y’all are happy. I will still be around but the ours will no.
23-02-2005, 02:29
dude; don't whine at me because your a godmodding puppet wanker who ca't bear to lose. the Mods proved that you were Twickel, so get over yourself. its hardly a tragedy that you and your 'friends' are leaving, given ost of them are probably you.
Wolf America
23-02-2005, 02:50
My friends all used a the computer in our club’s garage .US did not like it when he messed up and was about to get his butt kicked by two people. He had the mods check the IP addresses to both nation and guess what? The IP address was in the computer in the garage. And my friend told me their password to give them away.
Now, Chronosia shut up. The mods didn’t proved a damn thing but we all use the same ****ing IP address.
And you were whine for me to let you in a RP. So, shut up before I make you.
23-02-2005, 02:53
Yes, because you can make me shut up from all the way in Texas :P
You just can't take the fact that you would have been beaten in that RP ifm not for your 'friend'. You are half your region! The style of Rp is evidence enough! And I don't care if you think you can make me shut up, because you can't. We have this amazing thing called freedom of speech :D
Besides, he had the IP addys checked; not because he has secret spies in Texas; but beause your RP styles were almost identical..and what do ya know...
someone sounds a little bitter.
From a completely neutral perspective, I think that it was wrong for you, wolf, to make a closed thread and then add in another without tell US first. What you did was purposely change the rules of an agreement, which could be seen as a poorly made contract. However, I think everyone here sounds like they are sniveling babies because they didnt get their way. More so on Wolf's part, but Chrono, and US, Ive seen you do your fair share of whining as well.
My suggestion to both parties would be to forget the entire thing happened, and either start over with the rp and make specific rules beforehand, or just leave each other alone.
23-02-2005, 03:00
I can't be bothered starting again; his Rps always end up the same; his way or the highway...Just like the Corpsac RP. Attacked a Corpsac base, couldn't deal with the fact that his leader would be captured by the SHIP FULL OF CORPSAC MARINES HE WAS ON, so he made it a fake, or a hologram....or borth. And when things go wrong, he deletes all his pots in a thread. I can't be bothered to Rp with such a puppet wanking, downright irritating n00b
Wolf America
23-02-2005, 03:00
Yes, because you can make me shut up from all the way in Texas :P
You just can't take the fact that you would have been beaten in that RP if not for your 'friend'. You are half your region! The style of Rp is evidence enough! And I don't care if you think you can make me shut up, because you can't. We have this amazing thing called freedom of speech :D
Besides, he had the IP addys checked; not because he has secret spies in Texas; but beause your RP styles were almost identical..and what do ya know...
No crap the RP styles were almost identical. I told him to write that way. So, US would not bitch but US didn’t not bitch to us. He bitched to the mods. I hope you are happy with yourself.
And I told the other what to write, too.
23-02-2005, 03:02
No crap the RP styles were almost identical. I told him to write that way. So, US would not bitch but US didn’t not bitch to us. He bitched to the mods. I hope you are happy with yourself.
And I told the other what to write, too.
You likely as that story is *sarcasm* I don't buy it
Wolf America
23-02-2005, 03:10
From a completely neutral perspective, I think that it was wrong for you, wolf, to make a closed thread and then add in another without tell US first.
No, US post the Death Star heading to my Home system that had two people living in it.
What you did was purposely change the rules of an agreement, which could be seen as a poorly made contract.
US change it.
However, I think everyone here sounds like they are sniveling babies because they didn’t get their way. More so on Wolf's part, but Chrono, and US, I’ve seen you do your fair share of whining as well.
My suggestion to both parties would be to forget the entire thing happened, and either start over with the rp and make specific rules beforehand, or just leave each other alone.
Never going to happen. They made NS suck for me and my friends.
*Didn’t heard a damn thing but somebody crying*
You likely as that story is *sarcasm* I don't buy it
Then you don’t know what is true.
You < :(
Me < :sniper:
23-02-2005, 03:12
If you were playing to 'win', sounds like you won't be leaving a gaping hole in RP-land anyway...
23-02-2005, 03:13
I know whats true :) And right now; you can't stand that the truth is finally out, and everyone can see how wanky you are. You asnd your friends can leave for all I care; its just one less annoying gnat on my hide.
Wolf America
23-02-2005, 03:15
I know whats true :) And right now; you can't stand that the truth is finally out, and everyone can see how wanky you are. You and your friends can leave for all I care; its just one less annoying gnat on my hide.
Stop whining, Chaos boy. And go do what I told you in the IMs.
23-02-2005, 03:17
Nah; I have to make up for all your whining. Great beliver in balance, me. :) Anyway; your the one who kmade this whining thread, so whine away. Whats your problem? What do you want? What will you do now? What was wring with your childhood?
Wolf America
23-02-2005, 03:20
(SNIP) I'm a godmoding fool.
Oh, you said it right.
23-02-2005, 03:22
You know; faking quotes isn't going to help your sorry case :)
Wolf America
23-02-2005, 03:28
You know; faking quotes isn't going to help your sorry case :)
I don't need to be in your good book or the GE good books.
Shut up & Shut up Shut up. Can you get that message through your skull?
You know what, I should have not start playing the game for the second time. I left the first on my own and then my nation, Wolf Kingdom, got hacked. But I join the game again because I got bored.
Last post and I hope the ESUS/GE war works out good. And you betray US during it. Have funny.
If my memory serves me, Wolf tried to rp with me before when I used a nation called Soi-Disant. Itsa shame though because he showed a little more class and such when he did that, and now hes acting like a child who throughs a fit when he doesnt get his way.
And Wolf, Ive read both the OOC thread, and the IC thread of the Is he Telling the truth thread so I know whats going on, and you changed the rules. A closed rp is a closed rp. US did not have to attack the other planet in the system, just you, but you decided to throw another nation in against him, in what seemed to be a fair fight between you two.
23-02-2005, 03:31
I won't shut up. You made this thread to whine, and addressed it to me and the GE. And I won't betray Sith during the ESUS war, because the timing still isn't right :P
Now; if you'd be so kind as to link me to the theads or posts where u got those quotes from :P and if not, well, I suppose you can go back to the US Alliance, and play with yourself.
Wolf America
23-02-2005, 03:44
If my memory serves me, Wolf tried to rp with me before when I used a nation called Soi-Disant. Itsa shame though because he showed a little more class and such when he did that, and now hes acting like a child who throughs a fit when he doesnt get his way.
I'm tried of this game and am pissed off at everybody. US and Chaos boy are on my shit list with Cropsac.
For some unknown reason, Chronosia head blows up by a sniper.
:eek: :sniper:
23-02-2005, 03:48
Thankfully the Gameplay Server is not IC, and so Wolf America's insane delusions are not played out. In other news; Texas is subsiding!
Wolf America
23-02-2005, 03:53
Thankfully the Gameplay Server is not IC, and so Wolf America's insane delusions are not played out. In other news; Texas is subsiding!
And in other news, Chaos boy looks like Barney. (Not a flame or flamebating.)
Thats borderline flaming/flamebaiting. Soo you may wanna stop.
Wolf America
23-02-2005, 04:01
Chronosia has been DETELED from my mind.
This is how I became insane, Chaos boy.
I was sane went I started playing again. Then I ran into Corpsac and he made me go insane. Then I ran into the GE and made me go more insane.
So, I'm insane and don't give a damn.
I doubt if you really did go insane that someone that you talked to over the internet would have been the true problem. But if you do not like them just dont talk to them. Dont have anything to do with them, Im sure they wont care.
Death Raser
24-02-2005, 04:40
I doubt if you really did go insane that someone that you talked to over the internet would have been the true problem.
They did. They push me over the edge to many times. Now, I'm going to stick with my PS2 or play the XBOX in the club's garage. IT is better playing with AI then anybody like them.
25-02-2005, 01:41
We haven't "proven" that they are the same person... but it's very strongly suggested. In honesty, it is purely the choice of the players in question with regard to what they accept... and if a player appears to be puppetwanking, they are quite free not to accept that. Puppetwanking also is an RP ettiquette violation as stated in the rules of II; RP ettiquette is enforced in II, at least theoretically. If you wish to remain entirely anonymous with your puppetwank... (a) be more convincing and (b) play in NationStates rather than II.
I'm going to lock this thread because it's going nowhere productive and straight into a flame war. Wolf America, you may consider yourself warned about flaming. Knock it off, take a deep breath, and think about things.
Wolf America
25-02-2005, 22:16
We haven't "proven" that they are the same person... but it's very strongly suggested. In honesty, it is purely the choice of the players in question with regard to what they accept... and if a player appears to be puppetwanking, they are quite free not to accept that. Puppetwanking also is an RP ettiquette violation as stated in the rules of II; RP ettiquette is enforced in II, at least theoretically. If you wish to remain entirely anonymous with your puppetwank... (a) be more convincing and (b) play in NationStates rather than II.
I'm going to lock this thread because it's going nowhere productive and straight into a flame war. Wolf America, you may consider yourself warned about flaming. Knock it off, take a deep breath, and think about things.
Lock it then. The only reason I was 'flaming' is because of them. The GE hated me and wanted me to blow up. They did it got what they wanted, if you can see. I'm tried of them, they have been saying I was puppetwanking before my friends start to role-play in the forums. I told them was a good game and other things. And because of how some members of the GE were acting with me. Talking crap to me in IMs and other stuff.
25-02-2005, 22:55
Flaming is never acceptable in response to other players actions. If you can not get along with some players, just ignore them and move on to other things.