I'm new to NationStates...
21-02-2005, 04:52
Greetings from Mythopia ;)
These are awesome smilies... :confused: :sniper: :gundge:
I'm new here, and I know absolutely nothing about politics. What should I do first?
Thanks :cool: :fluffle: :mp5:
[QUOTE=Mythopia]Greetings from Mythopia ;)
I'm new here, and I know absolutely nothing about politics. What should I do first?
forget you ever knew about this website. some mysterious men in trench coats and dark glasses will be arriving at your house sometime tomorrow.
but in all seriousness, do whatever you want. this is a good place to gain new perspectives on politics; just check out whatever conversations are going on under 'latest threads.' it can be interesting. it can be stupid. it's all good. :cool:
Texan Hotrodders
21-02-2005, 04:56
Well, not many other people on here know much about politics either, though they would have you believe otherwise.
You should read the FAQ and the Stickies at the top of the forums first off. Then find something you like and try it.
21-02-2005, 04:56
Well first you need to mainline some heroin and give me oral pleasure or else nobody will think you're cool
21-02-2005, 05:03
Wow this place is awesome, you all rock. Thanks again. :p :eek: :sniper:
21-02-2005, 05:11
Wow this place is awesome, you all rock. Thanks again. :p :eek: :sniper:
We know, and you're welcome. lol. I'll answer any questions you have if I can. Just send a telegram to Dragonmoth or post it on this forum ok? Also, I will speak with my region founder to see if she wants you to join our region, but not until I see if you have potential. Tell me a bit about yourself and how you got into NationStates. I love to hear people's stories
I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours ;) lol
Holy Emperor of Dragonmoth
Welcome to NS. Try not to get too addicted.
What to do first? Well, that depends on what you want to do. NS is a vast place. No one could get involved everywhere.
If you want to try going deeper with your nation (war, trade, etc.) try RPing. That's in the NationStates or International Incidents forum.
If you want to discuss politics, try the General forum.
If you're interested in politicking (as in study of power) join the UN and get involved there.
Also, depending on what region you're in, they may have added onto NS with a regional government and the like.
Evil Woody Thoughts
21-02-2005, 05:35
In serious RP, try not to use that many smiles. I know it's hard, but do restrain yourself. Excessive smiles lower your credibility and make you look like a n00b.
Remember, only YOU can prevent smiley-whoring!
21-02-2005, 05:45
Greetings from Mythopia ;)
These are awesome smilies... :confused: :sniper: :gundge:
I'm new here, and I know absolutely nothing about politics. What should I do first?
Thanks :cool: :fluffle: :mp5:
Your first move is to surrender to my mighty armies. :p LOL
Welcome to NS
Contrrary to what others say always get addicted NS is the best
Things you must do.
*meet Tink
*Buy some military hardware
*Read the stickys
*watch some Rp's before involving yourself in any.
*And the final one dont listen to me no one else does. ;)
*Harlesburg dwaddles away whistling.*
What is Not Dubya
21-02-2005, 15:40
Greetings from Mythopia ;)
These are awesome smilies... :confused: :sniper: :gundge:
I'm new here, and I know absolutely nothing about politics. What should I do first?
Thanks :cool: :fluffle: :mp5:
Hey, Mythopia! I'm new to this place too. Heh.
What I've noticed is that the people here are friendly. At the boards I go to, newbs are usually... looked down on. I appreciate the niceness. :)
21-02-2005, 16:27
Become a part of Miniferg lol ;)
Do whatever you want, if your going to rp, and with modern weapons, check out Miniferg Millitary Storefront. Tanks, Nukes, whatever (Though all I sell now in the way of nukes is particular type of ICBM, I'll get around to adding more sometime but we do custom orders) Welcome to Nationstates! :)
21-02-2005, 18:10
Thank you for the tips, everyone. You really are all friendly... regardless of all the sarcasm... :D BTW, I'll be waiting for the mysterious men in trench coats and dark glasses at my door tomorrow.... with a gun.... and some heroin. Just in case.
Oh and I was wondering, even though my nation is a dictatorship, if I can still join the United Nations? Or do I have to be all nice and friendly to my people for that?
PS: My story (it seriously isn't much so I'll exaggerate it a bit at the end)
ONCE UPON A TIME (a week ago), I had a friend who told me about "this website where geeks go to talk about ..." umm I forget the rest since my memory is terrible, but it was probably politics or something like that, since this website's about politics, right? Well, anywho
so we were trying to get on it at our high school and it didn't allow it. (We're getting close to the end already so here comes the exaggeration) Then -- all of a sudden, out of the blue, right then, suddenly -- DINOSAURS ATTACKED and we fought and fought until my friend got injured severely but THEN I thought, "Oh no dinosaurs" and fought some :sniper: more :mp5: all :gundge: the way to my house and -- my memory being terrible, plus the dinosaurs on my mind all the time now -- I forgot all about this website for a week.
THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN this random imaginary friend (I swear it's not mine) popped into my room and ORDERED ME TO GET ONLINE AND GO TO NATIONSTATES.NET BECAUSE IT'S THE MOST AWESOMEST SITE EVER. So I obeyed.
THEN I thought, "Oh cool NationStates" and signed up and now I'm here with the Dictatorship of Mythopia. So what's your story anyway?
Texan Hotrodders
21-02-2005, 19:00
You can join the United Nations regardless of your government style.
I'm glad you were able to escape those fearsome dinisaurs, by the way. ;)
21-02-2005, 19:11
Hey there. I joined a few months ago, and still consider myself a bit of a newbie at this game; its a great place to be in, loadsa cool things to chat about and RolePlay and just generally chat. People here are generally friendly to talk to and will help you go through the paces of the game, as some of it can be quite difficult to master for a while
Heres a few tips:
Don't use too many smiley's, even more so in RP's
Look at the Stickey's - they are chock-full of good advice
Watch some RP's before getting involved
You can Telegram (TG) me or anyonen on this forum for advice, look for the people with high post counts, as they are the most experienced in my view
Welcome to NS
21-02-2005, 19:31
Alright. Awesome. Yeah, those dinosaurs were a real pain. I'm also glad I was able to escape.
I'll be sure to check out the stickies and eavesdrop on others' RPs, Skinny.
Thanks for the very last time
I'm new here, and I know absolutely nothing about politics.
that's alright, so is bush ;)
21-02-2005, 19:36
:p Best Political remark I have seen
21-02-2005, 19:37
Don't let the liberals brainwash you. Keep an open mind and ask yourself alot of questions about every line you read.