Crime - how to reduce?
The Cassini Belt
06-01-2005, 05:00
This is probably a dumb and too-often-asked question, but: how do I get my crime level to be less than crippling? All my other stats are just fine, Civil Rights: Superb, Political Freedoms: Superb, Economy: Powerhouse, but I have crippling crime. I have funded police, prisons, passed concealed-carry and home defense bills, it should reduce crime but it doesn't seem to have any effect. What should I do? Education? Or...?
Education seems to help. Also, I think some resolutions increase crime, I'm not sure about that though. Other resolutions decrease crime, but decrease freedom at the same time. I think its a formula where theres education + police funding * police privacy invasion = less crime. Try passing one or two invasion of privacy resolutions, but at the same time, lifting more restrictions for police. One of my favorite, that I don't think reduces civil rights too much, is a database of all your citizens.
The quirk in the NS issues is that crime generally is lowered most by spending on education and social welfare programs and not on police, harsh punishments, and prisons (which actually seem to increase crime). That being said, Opt. 2 on issue 21 Police Consider Big Brother Anti-Crime System also decreases crime without too many visible side-effects.
New Stamford
07-01-2005, 02:31
One word: Robocop.
03-05-2005, 17:32
Crime (youth related) became an issue in my country when I adopted home-schooling. I had to search for this thread on how to reduce it. I'm waiting for that issue to come around again so I can adopt an alternative.
Der Angst
04-05-2005, 08:52
The quirk in the NS issues is that crime generally is lowered most by spending on education and social welfare programs and not on police, harsh punishments, and prisons (which actually seem to increase crime). That being said, Opt. 2 on issue 21 Police Consider Big Brother Anti-Crime System also decreases crime without too many visible side-effects.Incorrect. Boosting the police to no end will end crime, *quickly*. It will also kill your civil rights, though.
Funding education will also reduce crime, but it takes *ages*. On the plus side, you're getting some shiny civil rights, too.
Boost police or add jobs will reduce crime. Gypsy.
04-05-2005, 09:22
Improve the social side of the equation (education, welfare, social equality) and the funding for your police -- but not always taking the harshest option. For instance, in the "Big Brother" video surveillance dilemma, choose the second one. Your civil rights rating may fall, but there are several dilemmas that allow you to restore that to its former level (the "Supreme Court Nomination" one being first among them).
I prefer a blend of Law Enforcement and Education spending.
My nation usually flucuates between "unknown is crime" and "moderate".