Der Fuhrer Dyszel Requesting Help
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
15-12-2004, 08:15
I am looking for regional assistance by serious gamers. I am not requesting you move your main nation, a puppet will be sufficient, but you must be active.
I need active support in my region during my time of crisis in RL. NS is my release from my troubles of RL and I find that the only ones I turn to are my region, which currently suck horribly. I am disgraced at my region and want a whole new set of new and more dedicated players.
You must be active and willing to participate. Otherwise, do not even bother to join. If you are interested in joining, please join, but telegram me stating who you are first though. I like to keep control of who enters and leaves my region.
Furthermore, I am looking for people who are going to help me overcome my RL problems through this game. I relieve most of my stress through writing in this game. In other words, I require the assistance of role players.
Consider my request, and thank you.
15-12-2004, 08:37
Please help us! We want an active region! It's too slow right now!
15-12-2004, 08:43
How often and when would you like the "puppets" to be active?
(ie. night, morning, every night, every morning)
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
15-12-2004, 08:57
I prefer checking in on regional status once in the morning/afternoon and once at night. I normally check on frequently, so I want active memebers who will do the same.
I am so desperate right now that once a day sounds good to me.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
15-12-2004, 22:13
Some regional information that you may be interested in:
The First Reich of Der Fuhrer is the region in name. It means none other then The First Empire of Der Fuhrer (the leader, the dictator of the region). This region is based off a a word is law; no exceptions. I am lenient with the region and not a corruptive leader. I rarely demand much from the region, but when I do you will be expected to fully comply with my demands. Those demands mainly are regional meetings (very few we have, activity, or participation in a RP.
The region's political set up varies. We are a collective of multiple beliefs, NOT NAZI's. There are many who strongly oppose Nazism within my region. The Orginial Reich (the title of those who first lived in the region and remain) are very close knit and personally tied to me. The region was formed from our love of Germany, not Hitler.
Most of the regional members know me on a more personal basis then in game. It is my wish that those who enter the region become more like family then fellow gamers. Since my region is bond with a tradegy that effected most of us, I am not the only one seeking console through NS. The death of a really close regional member, friend, and lover has more then just hurt me. When you enter the region, expect to become closer to your fellow members. I am pushing for that most of all.
Bring all you like, so long as they can comply with what I ask: activity, a will to participate in regional events, and a will to become a region.....a close knit region who you can depend on in game and out.
If you cannot do what I ask then The Reich is not a place you should seek resisdence, as you will only upset me more then I already am.
Furthermore, The Reich is a collective of different ethnicities and people throughout the world. We are not a selective group; we encourage divesity. However, The Original Reich and elder members are mainly located within the EST time zone (Eastern Standard). Time zones are not a conflicting force overall in our region, unless we are trying to hold a regional meeting.
If you have any questions, please ask.
I would send a puppet here, but it looks like you have enough nations as is.
Edit: I'll consider.
16-12-2004, 05:20
I would send a puppet here, but it looks like you have enough nations as is.
The number of nations in the region is decieving, because out of all of them, only three or four actually RP. It's quite sad, really. If you would please reconsider sending a puppet, and RPing with us, that would be really nice of you.
Good Children
17-12-2004, 11:00
I appreciate coming across this appeal.
An ally told me of your region and possibility of it aiding in my rescue of my regional refounding of a once great Nazi region of Nazi Deutschland Axis.
I see though that I was truly misguided to endeavor on such a quest. It seems now that I wasn't nazi enough for those guys (yes, most of what parades as Nazis in NationStates are teen-aged boys ages 14-19. I was invited into the region to help them refound after their original founder was justly deated, for flaming the region of Israel with his puppets (and in the great sense of justice that NS Moderation can only employ, this flamer got his main nation, then also named Nazi Deutschland Axis, deated for rules violations.
I started on NS with Good Children last May. I had witnessed one particular white nationalist player (roleplayer or RL, I'm not sure) be flamed by his one of his own would-be allies!. This act caused me to experience an odd desire to want to be near him. When the Mods justly deated his tormentor too; (and even gave that player a DOS -- Delete On Sight designation that permanently banned him from the game) I decided I would become a subserviant follower of the nation who's player was so damningly berated.
To be sure, I remained an odd fit for this player and his fellow region. Many of their nations have names that extoll their bravado for the long dead (and justly so -- the Holocaust their godhead movement and leader commanded was real and gave the very meaning and inception to the very word Holocaust). Yet I stayed on -- trying to uncover the human side of these NS players. Yes, I had hoped to discover that many were just roleplaying their ideology; and indeed many are just doing that. Oddly though, as this Very Authoritarian Mother of Good Children went on alongside this young man and his NS gameplay, I found at once an earnest human being with elements of him using his very extreme ideology as a way not to feel RL hurts that heretofore been thrust upon him.
This is just the beginning of the areas I would like to explore with my participation in this roleplay thread that DFD would like to do. I can try to be active at least once a day. I do play out of the Deep South (Central timezone). And at times due to medical concerns and anticipated studies in 2005 I maybe unavailable. However, I gave you all the opener that I have because apparently I have been thoroughly discredited with the very nation/player that I had grown to admire, despite his extreme expressions. So in a sense I will be quite free to devote time into accomplishing this roleplay.
DFD is aware of my actual RL circumstances and history and I have full trust in her confidentiality. It maybe that if some of the players who have tried to get me out of their hair in recent days see me active here that it might bring some unwanted attention to DFD's region and roleplay aspirations. Rest assured however that if any of these nations or players come after me in this realm or try to hijack this project then I will pull out all the stops to seek their exile from NS just like I have with those nazi zombie clones of that DOS player I had referenced at the beginning of my posting here.
Let me know DFD the address / location of the thread you would like me to RP on. I stand ready as The Very Authoritarian Mother of Good Children to work out these months of following some very disturbed players and their ideology that drives them to hate others seemingly unlike themselves so much.
--The Very Authoritarian Mother of Good Children
02-01-2005, 10:17
Crazy girl
02-01-2005, 11:02
heya Callis, keep up the good work :)
02-01-2005, 11:23
I'm seriously thinking about trying to recruit from my school's D&D club... the situation is that intolerably desperate.
Crazy girl
02-01-2005, 11:24
i thought loads of people would love to rp with lady D?
02-01-2005, 11:45
They really should, but it's been harder to get recruits than I thought.