So, what do YOU look for in a NS region?
Santa Barbara
10-12-2004, 02:21
Just curious. What are some of the qualities that decide, for you, whether to move to a new region, and which region? If you're already in a region, what brought you to it?
Similarly, what do you consider a "good region," generally, in NS, to be like? How would you be able to tell a good region from a bad if you saw it?
10-12-2004, 07:58
The posts in the Regional HQ have to be interesting. It also helps if the players already there aren't a clique who circulate the delegacy among themselves.
I just joined this game about 4 days ago. I found it through friends of mine who play it from the web site
They had already made a nation, called BookCrossing, so I thought I would join it, seeing as they had invited me. We're very small, but I'm happy there.
10-12-2004, 10:03
I generally look for:
a. Nice people.
b. Dedicated players.
c. UN Activity
The All-Powerful Goat
10-12-2004, 17:11
I like to have people that I know in charge. (In real life, or before nationstates)
The American Alliance
10-12-2004, 17:16
Just curious. What are some of the qualities that decide, for you, whether to move to a new region, and which region? If you're already in a region, what brought you to it?
Similarly, what do you consider a "good region," generally, in NS, to be like? How would you be able to tell a good region from a bad if you saw it?
A live founder
I wont join regions without a founder who lives there and who logs in at least once a week.
thats all mainly
i joined on a goof and i dont se any better
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-12-2004, 20:06
In a region I look for a good founder, ie me :D
I'm very VERY active, so I look for players I can easily communicate with, and who respect me. (My friends.)
Green Flag Ireland
11-12-2004, 01:36
Active RP wise, not to large, not to small, somewhat like minded views
Green Sun
11-12-2004, 01:43
1) Semi-Friendly
2) Non-Arguementive on religion and certain political issues
3) Active
4) Cooperative