Anarchic Squirrels 4
10-12-2004, 00:14
Is there such a thing, if so shouldn't it have a sticky somewheres?
And if not, how do I calculate my GDP?
I have a powerhouse economy and over 1 billion people, with a 100 % tax rate.
The StraitsSettlements
10-12-2004, 00:24
Try this:
Not only does it calculate your GDP, but a whole lot of other neat stats about your nation as well. It will even give you stats for your region, provided it isn't too big (above 250 nations I believe, which only a handful are). I had seen this a while ago on some thread, but then did not bookmark it and had trouble finding it again. I even asked some people about it and they didn't know either. Nice to see how rich the various countries are. I've seen GDP/capita from about $40 to about $47,000. It let's you know how well you really have been in running your country. Hope this helps.
10-12-2004, 00:28
There several GDP calculators that several regions thruout the world of NationStates use. My region of Europa has a couple of 'em on the forum, here's our easiest one. (GDP Calculator)
Anarchic Squirrels 4
10-12-2004, 01:22
Thanks alot guys, very helpful.