08-12-2004, 09:16
I'm new to this, and I wonder... how to introduce myself in the NS roleplay? Seriously? And where to put my fluff, tech level, etc.? This is confusing me...
And just because I want to use some of the smilies...
You could simply send a telegram to a few nations to do something, like starting a war, diplomatic agreements, state visit, etc.
You could organise it all in-region by posting the regional forum.
Or, you could:
a) be in a Region with less than 10 nations and join the League of Small Regions (link in my sig)
b) change your Region to one in the League
c) begin a new Region and apply to join the League
d) simply join our forum; you would then gain access to a number of nations without the need of any formalities - just say you want to start something, and someone will start it with you.
like starting a war
There are enough <1 month old nations n00bs already on this board...dont become a fatality
i would suggest join an alliance, or somthing like that. From what i have seen, the Small Nation alliance seems Okay, but i havent really looked at there roleplays. They may just be a 99% marketing, and 1% work alliance.
If you do join one, join a reputable one, with a strong and active leader.
When i first started, i made the mistake of making my own region, and quite a few nations, and ended up being labeled a puppet wanker... it took a few months to get rid of that label. I also ended up in war with my friend who i convinced to join this game, and we have been at war quite alot over the last 1 and a half years. I eventually found a good alliance, the GDA, led by Dontgonearthere, which really helped me in this game
Things to avoid doing include:
Starting a war
Insulting mods
smilie spamming (unless you join the SSA)
Buying UBER BIG WEAP0NS!!!! off 1 day old nations
To choose your tech, I would suggest going with somthing you konow a little about.
If you like the 17th century tech, and know a bit about it, go 17th century tech, although, be wrned, there is not a large roleplayiong community in this tech group
The main techs are:
Recent history: Last 100 years
Modern : things which exist today or could exist today
Near future : Things which are only several decades/just over the horizon away
Far future/space: Star wars and that kind of thing with uber death rays...
so if you're a star wars fan , you might go space. If you like WW2 stories, recent history
PS: if you realy want to smilie spam ;)
(be warned, Japaica is there :eek: )