Post your national animal and nations motto
Heck Hell
04-12-2004, 00:32
and why you choose it, did you make it a protected speceis or
something else and why and why you choose your nations motto.
Legless Pirates
04-12-2004, 00:33
The parrot (eat 'em if you got 'em)
Lunatic Goofballs
04-12-2004, 00:34
National Animal: The cuckoo. (What else would you find flying around with a bunch of lunatic goofballs?)
National Motto: 'May The Tacos Never Run Out!' (Tacos are our people's one great resource. We make the best tacos in the world!)
Emily Susan Brown
04-12-2004, 00:38
National Animal: Dung Beetle
Motto: Muddle Through
04-12-2004, 00:42
My national animal is the ant. It is a protected species, and is one of the greatest organisms on the planet. Read Empire of the Ants by Bernard Werber for proof.
My national motto is "Ageometrietos medeis eisito.", which was supposedly at the entrace to the Academia, Plato's school, and roughly means "Let none enter ignorant of geometry."
04-12-2004, 02:37
the tree
it appears your motto has some naughty words in it
04-12-2004, 02:45
National Animal: Otter
Why: Because otters are hardworking, creative and stand on their own two little feet. They are innovative, adaptable and use their surrounding for support. Overall, they are the ideal animal.
Plus they are sooooooooooooo cute!
04-12-2004, 09:49
National Animal: Wolf, and yes, it is a protected species.
IC reason for it- Wolves are seen as the noble creatures, and have been one of the symbols of Callisdrun for millenia.
OOC reason for it- Wolves are my favorite animals.
National Motto: "Carpe Noctum"
Meaning- "Seize the night." ;)
Irony Fist
04-12-2004, 09:52
Irony Fist's national animal is the zombie, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.
"Obay the Fist!"
General Mike
04-12-2004, 16:49
National animal: Vietcong (solely for the "which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests" line in the description ;))
Motto: "In Mike we trust. All others are shot."
National animal: Sasquatch (
why? becaue there cool. yes its illegal to eat.
National moto: "Verteidiger der Freiheit"
Tuesday Heights
04-12-2004, 17:57
National Animal: Siberian Tiger
I chose the Siberian Tiger, because it's my RL favorite animal; while I'd like to say it's a protected species in my country, my national description usually contradicts that.
National Motto: "Whatever happens here, stays here... most of the time."
I was thinking of Las Vegas for some reason or other, and I thought about how secrets never leave Sin City, but unforutunately, how all secrets eventually get out in time.
Nadroj Mantup
04-12-2004, 20:32
Animal- The wookie
Wookies are awsome
Motto- There is no spoon.
There really isn't a spoon!
Uber Penguins
05-12-2004, 00:04
Shoot First, Asking Questions is Optional
Steel Butterfly
05-12-2004, 03:39
Animal: the Monarch Butterfly (It goes with my nation's name.)
Motto: "Only in Death Does Duty End" (It proclaims devotion to the Empire throughout one's life.)
Agitation Nation
05-12-2004, 03:57
The Toy Emu, because full sized emus will steal the ice cream right off your cone.
05-12-2004, 04:02
The Noodle.
It's my dogs name.
Motto: We're lickable, yummable, and slurpable! ;)
05-12-2004, 04:05
Animal: Platapus
Motto: You can't understand a users mind
Marshan Duque
05-12-2004, 04:08
The Two-Headed Turtle, because it would be the mascot of the Procrastinator's Society, if anyone ever took the time to organize it, it is also on my national flag.
Marshan Duque's motto is "Never do today what you can forget about forever."
Animal: The Zombie Hippie
Reason: The Emperor executed a few thousand environmentalists a while back and the dead don't always stay down in Akaton. Since there are almost no other animals living in Akaton's industrial wastes (the entire nation), it made sense for them to be the national animal. They are certainly not protected, being more of an infestation than a wild animal.
Motto: Virtus y Malus et Aequalis (means good and evil are equal)
Reason: It seemed appropriate given Akaton's evil behavior around the time I wrote it. While Akaton is less evil now, the motto sounds good, so it remains.
Death and Hatred
05-12-2004, 04:14
The Devil, it's so cute with its little red horns and the pitchfork it uses to stab small children and other annoying things.
No, it isn't a protected species. If it can't survive without sucking money out of my economy it deserves to die.
My motto is: "If it lives, kill it. If it does not, kill it again" Just think how great the world would be if everyone pathetic enough to believe this killed themselves!
05-12-2004, 04:14
My nation animal is the dog
we will help you if you need it.
send telegram to me thanks
05-12-2004, 04:18
way to rip off Warhammer.
The Funkadels
05-12-2004, 04:18
animal: The Maggot
Because we are all deep Maggot Brains in the face of the Queen Strumpet, the Cosmic Harlot.
Cease All These Exploitive Jivations
Spirit Crushing
05-12-2004, 04:23
way to rip off Warhammer.
He meant to the "only in death does duty end" thing.
National animal: the undying aborted fetus. If you ever need to keep from sleeping, imagine one of those climbing a tree, eating a mother bird one piece at a time, then swallowing the mother bird's eggs whole. It makes me want to kill babies even more.
Reason: A friend and I were having an insult fight. So he said that when my mom was pregnant, she tried to abort me, and that I was an aborted fetus that just wouldn't die.
Motto: Because God Said So.
Reason: Because I've always wanted to walk into a Catholic school and tell a girl to kill herself. Then she would ask why and I would say "because God said so".
05-12-2004, 04:29
she would ask why and I would say "because God said so".
:D :D :D
That is pretty funny. If anyone trys it, I would love to find out what happens in the end!! :p
05-12-2004, 04:29
My national animal: The Chimera - A creature of mythology made up of multitudes of different savage animals.
soon to be Motto: "Momento Mori" Latin for "Remember you will die" :headbang:
Nation of Fortune
05-12-2004, 04:33
because I work with Wildlife rehabilitation, and myy favorite animal that came in was a cougar kitten, who grew until we had to get rid of her
Go n-ithe an cat thĂș is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat
Irish Gaelic- means May the cat eat you, and may the cat be eaten by the devil.
New Secundus
05-12-2004, 04:36
and why you choose it, did you make it a protected speceis or
something else and why and why you choose your nations motto.
The Timberwolf.....The most noble of animals....It is protected
"all that groks is god"..........Robert A. favorite author.
the Grokdoc
05-12-2004, 04:51
My national animal is the hen. Because
the hen
05-12-2004, 04:58
The Bear.
Because bears are strong, independent yet social animals who are capable of crushing anything which gets in their way.
Spirit Crushing
05-12-2004, 06:15
And can easily be frightened away by attaching a bell to your backpack. ;)
Spirit Crushing
05-12-2004, 06:20
New Secundus? Are you David Newsom?
Animal - th3 Balrog
Motto: We never stop working . . . ever
Reason: A friend and I were having an insult fight. So he said that when my mom was pregnant, she tried to abort me, and that I was an aborted fetus that just wouldn't die.
by the way, i was that friend, flame away
Spirit Crushing
05-12-2004, 06:34
Yes. He is a bad man and he made me cry. Therefore, I shall proceed to verbally skewer him in future days.
:rolleyes: :mp5:
:rolleyes: :mp5: :sniper:
05-12-2004, 06:49
and then the sniper misses and blows your little green head off. Then I hide behind cover and set off the C4s in the building the sniper is on.
and then the sniper misses and blows your little green head off. Then I hide behind cover and set off the C4s in the building the sniper is on.
then i find the building that ur in and knock it down :headbang:
05-12-2004, 06:51
hey it's JC and MC last year
:fluffle: :D
hey it's JC and MC last year
:fluffle: :D
i think that that is why u are going to hell, and y i'm gonna shit down on u from purgatory (hey, nobody's perfect)
05-12-2004, 06:52
National Animal: The illogical dollar (My currency is the Quizzical Rabbit)
Motto: "This space for rent"
05-12-2004, 06:53
Yeah, but I'll dodge it and you'll hit satan, who will light your curly blonde hair on fire and drag you down to hell
05-12-2004, 06:55
Our national animal is the falcon, a beautiful and dangerous bird of prey.
As an aside, I possess this beautiful dagger but its all stainless steel.
Our national motto, well I've never really thought about that. I'll get back to you on this.
National Animal: The illogical dollar (My currency is the Quizzical Rabbit)
Motto: "This space for rent"
what abilities does the illogical dollar have? is it Canadian? can it make a person's head explode? can it make me shut up? do i ever stop? y can't i stop?
As an aside, I possess this beautiful dagger but its all stainless steel.
DAMN that's nice
05-12-2004, 06:58
like your mom.
OH! :p
like your mom.
OH! :p
and ur dog!
05-12-2004, 07:05
and your stapler, and lexy colizza
05-12-2004, 07:06
DAMN that's nice
Thanks. It's 14-3/4" long and like 4 pounds, nice and heavy. My ex-g/f bought it for me for my 20th b-day but we broke up prior to my b-day but I got the dagger anyway ;).
The falcon on the handle is Horus, the Egyptian god.
05-12-2004, 07:11
My country is called Lunalupa, which translated means "Moon Wolf".
The wolf is the symbol of our country and is protected by law to run free in our forests.
Our motto is "We stand as one." reflecting our pack mentality and civic pride.
Mah nation animal is the inhabitance of the country. We are the Uncia, or snow leopards. we go by the name of Chattan, which means cat clan, whos motto is "touch not the cat but with a glove" not quite sure wot dat means, but tis a millinia old, so I donna argue with it.
National Animal- The Betta (Betta Splendens, aka the Siamese Fighting Fish) Also the nation's favourite pet. Although in their native land, they are used for fighting, we keep them to look at because they are so beautiful.
Motto- Wealth is the measurement of man's ability to think.
05-12-2004, 15:10
My nation is Ninjamangopuff, and is named after its leader. Ninjamangopuff is the name of a character in a game I made. He is a Mango that mutated after too much pesticide was used on him. Several other mangos mutated too, but most of them turned into rabid dog-like creatures. These are the Nation's national animal. Ninjamangopuff, being the only Mango that mutated in a good way, went on to conquer humanity and founded this nation.
Animal: Killer Mango.
Motto: "Nin Ja Mango Puff" - Just their king's name. People say it constantly as a form of worship for their ruler.
The messed up faerie
05-12-2004, 15:21
My national animal is the dragon
Because they're beautiful creatures, and I'm living in a fantasy
My motto: See Evil, Hear Evil, Speak Evil.
Because my country's rather liberal, therefore the people have the freedom to follow the motto. It's not so much an encouragement, just letting them know they're free to live how they like
05-12-2004, 15:24
My national animal is the moose, as there are plenty of them where I live, or at least in the northern parts of the country.
The national motto is. "Freedom with obligation" as everyone is free to do pretty much what they want as long as they pay taxes to fund the stuff.
The Tribes Of Longton
05-12-2004, 20:13
National animal: Chav - the area of my residence (longton, surprisingly) is infested with the burberry tribes.
National Motto: Chavs must die. Our leader is cool. All hail the snacks. -
1. I hate the little burberry wearing rockport sporting flick-knife carrying egging my house so I have to chase them with a stick scally bastards.
2. I am a very cool person, IMHO (I'm also arrogant, apparently)
3. I am an avid fan of the mini-cheddar (hence the national currency)
National animal: Teaffee cat
National motto: "You maybe can run, but you can't hide."
06-12-2004, 01:54
National Animal: The Nekkid Beaver
reason: The joyous sight of seeing nekkid beavers frollic through the forest.
National Moto: "It's alive! Alliiive! ALLIIVVEEE!! MUWHAHAHAHAHHA"
reason: SCO-land is ruled by a mad but mostly benign mad scientist, being me. It can be heard shouted out from the castle on thundery nights.
The Emperor Fenix
06-12-2004, 02:11
National Animal The Phoenix
Motto Timeless in infinity - A reference to the Okyton Empires History found on the nswiki
Most Holy Bob
06-12-2004, 02:41
ok i have 2 nations
Nation #1
currency: the pikka bird
animal: the wombat
Motto: I change this every time I log on
yes yes, I know, Douglas Adams should sue me...
Nation #2:
currency: the skull
motto: Your dead bodies produce our currency
Animal: the corpse, also the nation's favorite main course
Animal: Tinkerbell, just seemed like fun...
Motto: Here kitty, kitty, kitty, HIDE! I heard my two furbies say it once and I've been terrified of them since because they said it as I walked in the room and they had no batteries (just wanted tto share that but I figure we all know fubies are evil)
Kashgan And Tamiyr
13-02-2005, 02:34
National Animal: Koala (cute animal)
National Motto: "We shall reign supreme over the world." :gundge:
13-02-2005, 02:49
Motto: "Together, we shall all prosper"
Reason: It seemed like a good idea at the time. And it sums up the my socialist tendencies.
Animal: Dubyachimp
Reason: Because he has the intelligence of a chimp
National Animal: The Dolphin. We like to believe that we ourselves are much like the inteligent dolphin; caring, creative, friendly, but willing to defend if provoked.
National Motto: "Everything for the Revolution..." It will come, and one day soon all nations everywhere will join hands in the peace of the class-less society.
Town Idiot Idiots
13-02-2005, 05:29
Nations animal: Baseball (My nation is too stupid to tell living from dead)
Why: Because Baseballs sound like Spaceballs (Favorite movie)
Motto: 'We bleed our blood till we's are bloodiless' (Motto Inspired by movie Dodgeball)
Dragons Nation
13-02-2005, 07:37
Animal: Dragon (duh)
Motto: Only in Death does Duty end.
Terra Mare
13-02-2005, 11:43
Here at Terra Mare, our national motto is "Notitia Volo Licentia" (Latin, trans. "Information wants to be free".
Our national animal is the seagull, though I take issue with the fact that it teeters on the brink of extinction due to deforestation because (a) there are no forests at all on Terra Mare (it is an artificial island) and (b) seagulls don't live in forests.
Motto: 'Power to the People, Power to the Unions'
Reason: Because my country is a Syndicalist Democracy, I.E. it is run by democratically elected labour unions.
Animal: The Punk-Rocker
Reason: Now that my nation is a radical left state, punks had nothing to rebel against. So they all went out into the forests where they set up self-sufficient tribal communities. They now spend their time kicking each other with cherry-red doc martins and hunting hippies. :headbang: