30-11-2004, 22:03
Would it be possible to make it required that all resolutions voted on in the UN be in the actual UN format...maybe it would give another degree of realism...just a thought
Texan Hotrodders
30-11-2004, 22:20
What is the "UN format"?
NOTING that you asked a question.
RECOGNIZING that I have the answer.
RESOLVED to demonstrate the format.
Tuesday Heights
01-12-2004, 01:25
What is the "UN format"?
Within NS, there is no actual required format, although you're more likely to get a positive response if it's well-written and well-thought out.
The UNA - USA official web site, here (, has the format they use for resolutions in the RL UN which can be made applicable on a smaller word count for the NS UN.