29-11-2004, 00:46
We the People of the United Empire, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United Empire of Colerica.
Article I
Section I: All powers of lawmaking, decreeing, annulling, governing, et al, are bestowed upon the Emperor.
Section II: All citizens swear immediate loyalty to the Emperor, who is the protector of their liberty, the defender of their freedoms, and the all mighty power watching over them. No one may recognize any other authority.
Section III: The Emperor possesses supreme rule and absolute power. No decisions are passed without his consent.
Section IV: The Emperor rules for a ten-year term after being elected by a majority of the elite Electoral College. There are no limits on the number of terms an Emperor can serve.
Section V: While the Emperor has supreme authority, if in the event of the abuse of power, his underlings may see fit to cast a vote of no confidence in his name.
In the event of such a challenge to his authority, the emperor may not, under any circumstances, arrest, detain, punish, or execute his challengers or challengers’ kin.
Section VI: Upon no confidence being instilled to the Emperor, the Court of Majors must decide if the claims are valid. If approving the claims to be legitimate, an eviction election shall be instated.
If found guilty of their crimes through popular vote, the Court of Majors will convene to force the active Emperor into exile. The Emperor is thusly banished from the Empire until death.
Section VII: A natural born citizen of the Empire, at the attained age, greater, or equal to the attained age of thirty-five, may hold the office of Emperor.
Clause I: Emperor shall pass no law discouraging, preventing, or abolishing natural born citizens of the Empire, attained of a higher, or equal age of thirty-five, from seeking the throne.
Clause II: Emperor shall pass no law which discourages, prevents, or abolishes natural born women of the Empire, attained of a higher, or equal age of thirty-five, from seeking the throne.
Article II
Section I: The powers of governing the people rest solely in the hands of the Emperor. However, the Emperor is required to grant the positions of Magistrates, as well as Viceroys, for their respective fields, to officials of his choosing.
Section II: The Magistrate of War, chosen by the Emperor, must be a natural born citizen of the Empire, attained at the age of thirty. Said Magistrate is responsible for the command of the United Empire's military for the common defense of her borders.
Clause I: Magistrates failing to fulfill their position are subject to undergo investigations from the Court of Majors into their capability to conduct order for the Empire’s defense and security.
Section III: The Magistrate of Internal Affairs, chosen by the Emperor, must be a natural born citizen of the Empire, attained at the age of thirty. Said Magistrate is responsible for the achievement and welfare of the internal structure of the United Empire. Said Magistrate is responsible for the keeping up of roadways, seaways, bridges, dams, building projects, et al. Any internal project cannot, however, be started without the formal consent of the active Emperor.
Clause I: Magistrates failing to attain such actions are subject to undergo investigations from the Court of Majors into their capability to conduct order for the Empire’s internal structure and affairs.
Section IV: The Magistrate of the Treasury of the Empire, chosen by the Emperor, must be a natural born citizen of the Empire, attained at the age of thirty. Said Magistrate is responsible for the achievement and maintenance for all of the United Empire’s funds, stocks, bonds, and all legal tender, including paper and coin-struck currency. Said Magistrate is also responsible for the distribution of a funds, stocks, bonds, and all legal tender, including paper and coin-struck currency.
Clause I: Magistrates failing to attain such actions are subject to undergo investigations from the Court of Majors into their capability to conduct order for the Empire’s internal structure and affairs.
Section V: The Magistrate of Majors, chosen by Electoral College, based on popular vote, must be a natural born citizen of the Empire, attained at the age of thirty. Said Magistrate is responsible for properly representing any citizen of the Empire, classified in the category of Majors. Said Magistrate is responsible for voting on actions, plans, projects, et al, based on the majority choice of his respective people.
Clause I: Magistrates failing to attain such actions are subject to undergo investigations from the Court of Majors into their capability to conduct order for the Empire’s internal structure and affairs.
Section VI: The Magistrate of Minors, chosen by Electoral College, based on popular vote, must be a natural born citizen of the Empire, attained at the age of thirty. Said Magistrate is responsible for properly representing any citizen of the Empire, classified in the category of Minors. Said Magistrate is responsible for voting on actions, plans, projects, et al, based on the majority choice of his respective people.
Clause I: Magistrates failing to attain such actions are subject to undergo investigations from the Court of Majors into their capability to conduct order for the Empire’s internal structure and affairs.
Section VII: The Viceroys, chosen by the Emperor, must be natural born citizens of the Empire, attained at the age of thirty. Said Viceroys are responsible for properly governing their respective hemisphere of the Empire, fairly and justly. The Emperor hand selects one viceroy per one hemisphere of the Empire with a total of four Viceroys.
Clause I: Viceroys failing to attain such actions are subject to undergo investigations from the Court of Majors into their capability to conduct order for the Empire’s internal structure and affairs.
Article III
Section I: Any individual, group, faction, organization, et al, in a state of rebellion against the Empire will be considered as traitors, and dealt with as justified. A jury of their peers, will trial any and all dissenters to the Crown of the Emperor as such, when found guilty, such traitors will die a treasonous death.
Section II: All citizens of the Empire shall be divided into two separate, respective groups. The distinction between any Major and Minor citizen relies on the their input to society, their mental and physical capabilities, and their personal wealth.
Any citizen, who is considered by the State to be a capable and functioning member of the Empire, shall be granted certain inalienable rights, among these; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, within loyalty to the government. All males, age eighteen, belonging to the Majors, are required by law to join a respective branch of the Empire’s military for a minimum of two years.
Any citizen who is considered by the State to be a capable and functioning member of the Empire, but is plagued by disabilities, which included; financial problems, lack of input into the society, et all, are to be considered Minors to the Empire.
No males, belonging to the Minors, may enlist in the Empire’s military. No members belonging to the Minors may vote directly, however, they have representation through the Magistrate of Minors, who will fairly and equally represent them throughout the Empire.
Section III: The rights of minors -- males and females, legal, natural born citizens of the United Empire, who are under the age of eighteen -- are to be respected and unabridged. No one under the age of eighteen shall vote. No one under the age of eighteen can be legally recognized. No contracts, documents, et al, drawn up or participated in by minors are legally binding. Law of the United Empire requires a child, until the age of sixteen, to remain under the housing of said child’s parents, as sixteen is legally recognized as the United Empire's age of consent.
Section IV: Every citizen of the Empire must be employed. No unemployment will be considered by the State to be a lack of input to society, resulting in classification as a Lesser. Lessers possess no legal standing in the Empire at all. Lessers cannot legally vote, legally be taught how to read or write, legally possess a surname, et al. Lessers are undesirables, and undesirables are done away with accordingly.
Section V: The borders of the Empire are to be sealed tight. No one can enter or exit the Empire’s boundaries without informing the Imperial government [prior to departure or entrance. Illegal aliens are undesirables and will be deported. Any illegal alien caught crossing the boundaries of the Empire will be executed.
Section VI: The United Empire of Colerica must dissolve all foreign relations to non-Empire nations. No military aid will be given to foreign nations. All ties will be broken to international groups, and all alliances will be cut off. The Empire hereby repudiates all of its foreign debts.
Section VII: No citizen of the Empire can challenge the authority of the Constitution or the Emperor, for both are the law of the Empire. Any such people in violation of said terms are in violation of the law, and will be dealt with accordingly. The Emperor’s wish is law; anyone who sees fit to disobey his wishes shall be punished.
Section VIII: No citizen of the Empire, under law, will be allowed to practice or participate in faith or religion of any kind. The practice of religion undermines the authority of the State, as it recognizes a power higher than the Emperor. Any citizen in violation of the said terms will be punished accordingly.
Section VIX: The Empire, along with the Emperor, retains the right to relinquish any law, tax, et al. As do they obtain the right to force any imperial citizen to, by law, forfeit any amount of said citizen’s property, at request of the State, upon the promise of the immediate financial compensation.
Section X: The Emperor sets all taxes and tax rates in the United Empire. The Emperor has the sole authority to levy any amount of tax they choose to at any time for the reasons of acquiring more Imperial capital.
Clause I: No interest rate will exceed ten percent. No tax rate will exceed ten percent. All currency, distributed by the State, and regulated by the Magistrate of Treasury, will be backed by gold and silver.
Article IV
Section I: In the event that change is needed to be applied to the Constitution of the United Empire of Colerica, the right to pass amendments to the Constitution shall not be abridged or denied.
Amendment I: All Majors of the Empire possess the rights to equal representation, the pursuit of property, proper education for them and their kin, et al. All Majors have the right to free speech, excluding speech intended to instill rebellion or revolt against the Empire, or speech, which attacks the State. All Majors have the right to freedom of assembly, so long as it is not intended for the overthrow of the Empire. All Majors have the right to freedom of peaceful protest, so long as it is not intended for the overthrow of the State, or does not attack the active Emperor or the Empire. No law will be passed, which abridges or denies such terms.
Amendment II: All Majors have the right to keep and bear arms. No law shall be passed which abridges or denies such terms.
Amendment III: No Major shall be legally forced to quarter or house the Empire’s soldiers. No law shall be passed which abridges or denies such terms.
Amendment IV: All Majors formally accused of committing a crime shall be subjected to a trial by a jury of their peers. No law shall be passed which abridges or denies such terms.
Amendment V: The formal repeal of Article I, Section VI, Clause II. The United Empire formally decrees that no women, no matter of their background, shall be eligible of the Crown of the Emperor.
Amendment VI: No Major may have their property searched or confiscated without a formal warrant issued for such an event. No law shall be passed which abridges or denies such terms.
Amendment VII: The formal repeal of Article IV, Section I, Amendment II. The United Empire formally decrees that no major or minor shall be legally allowed to own a firearm as they can be used to circumvent the United Empire’s wishes and instill ideas of revolt into impressionable citizens. Only the police and the military can be trusted with such arms.
Amendment VIII: The formal modification of Article I, Section IV. The Emperor is no longer elected by Electoral College and now simply rules for life. Should the Emperor be deemed unfit to rule or should he die on the throne, his Lieutenant Emperor Pro Tempor shall take his place. The Lieutenant Emperor Pro Tempor must be the closest living blood relative of the Emperor and must be male.
Amendment IX: The formal repeal of Article III, Section VIII. The United Empire of Colerica officially recognizes only one religion to be legally allowed for pratice within her borders: Imperias. No Imperial official can suppress the people's right to practice, or to refuse to practice, Imperias.