Social Spam Alliance
Social Spam Alliance (
The old forum died, so we're starting fresh. That means that you won't be left behind when it comes to postcounts.
That also means I'm short on leadership. Longer you're on and the more active you are, you're more likely to be a mod...(not promising anything, though).
26-11-2004, 01:15
What is the social spam alliance???
What is the social spam alliance???
It is a forum site that spawned from the old Forum 7...
It's fun, usually non-political, nonargumentative site...Spamming, flaming, stuff like that is welcomed. Just have fun...
I changed it to allow guests to view the site. Please just check it out. Right now it's just starting up again.
Sinn Feins Ireland
26-11-2004, 19:15
Wow. Thats got to be a first. Somewhere that welcomes spam and flamers. I tell you what, all the other regions can send you their trouble makers. Everyones happy.
Wow. Thats got to be a first. Somewhere that welcomes spam and flamers. I tell you what, all the other regions can send you their trouble makers. Everyones happy.
Go ahead and send them.
My region is "Land of the Forum7ites"
There is a region, "Social Spam Alliance" but send them to my region :D
And PLEASE get them the url for the website. You want to get rid of them, we want them...send them!