NationStates Jolt Archive

Vesta - A brand new region started by veteran players

Promise of Joshua
23-11-2004, 14:05
Ever wanted to start something brand new and be "in the know" from day 1? Lets face it, getting dumped into a region with 6,000 plus nations isn't always for the best.

Several veteran players have just started a brand new region called "Vesta"

Vesta is already a growing, and vibrant region that has 9 nations in less than 3 days. We are players who have been involved in many aspects of the game and have been having a lot of fun in the process! Vesta is a great region in which to learn the game while still having the space you need to get comfortable with how things function. Feel free to paste the link below into your browser and you can then see our region "from a distance" without moving from your current region. You can check us out and then close the window without changing regions if you want.

Or, if you like what you see, you can instead click on the link in the upper middle of the page that says "like what you see? move to Vesta"

Link to Vesta in NS (

We have also just started an offsite forum. Come and join Vesta ( and help us build something new from the ground up.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

edit: Links now work
23-11-2004, 15:30
I liked what I saw there Promise of Joshua and moved my ambassader there to check things over to see how i like those bananas! From my first bite i would say they are mighty tasty indeed.
Promise of Joshua
24-11-2004, 19:00
how about a *bump*
Sinn Feins Ireland
25-11-2004, 18:20
Good luck with your new region. I wont be moving there, but i will keep an eye out. Good food is always an eye catcher for the more nutritiously orientated out there.
K a r p a t h o s
26-11-2004, 02:18
Promise of Joshua
27-11-2004, 06:26
Now at 39 nations in 5 days. Come join one of the fastest growing regions in NS
Promise of Joshua
28-11-2004, 04:01
Great News!!! Now at 47 nations in 6 days. Vestan Economic Statistics (
Promise of Joshua
29-11-2004, 02:24
Promise of Joshua
20-12-2004, 15:11
Now at 52 nations and our Synod is in session electing our first President.