15-11-2004, 18:39
A new region has been born. It's name is FreedomStates. This region represents freedom, liberty, and justice. Terrorism is not tolerated here. I encourage you to join this region.
15-11-2004, 18:48
perhaps you could explain what you mean by "freedom, liberty and justice"?
aren't liberty and freedom the same thing?
i only ask because the orwellian name of FreedomStates, combined with the admonition against terrorism, brings to mind the old adage:
"one person's liberation is another's invasion of a sovereign nation on false pretenses and subsequent repression of dissent and hostile occupation, all while deriding france"
Why? Whats so great about it? What will Mekonia get if she does decide to join? Please give a proper definition of terrorism, as this is different form government to government? How do you propose to combat terrorism? More details please.
15-11-2004, 21:09
By freedom, I mean, nations are free to make their own choices, and do as they wish. In combating terrorism, Once a number of nations has joined this region, we will have a summit to decide what the people (you and other nations) feel we should do as far as action against terrorism. Terrorist nations that are openly "nasty" and that "stir up trouble" with other nations in the region (attacking, etc...), with no justifiable reason for it will be ejected from the region, in order to maintain peace.
FreedomStates definition of terrorism: An act or event that directly or indirectly violates the civil or political rights of, or causes harm to another nation and/or its people, without a justifiable reason for sanctions/war declaration, etc.