Blue Democrats
05-11-2004, 03:09
I know theres a region called "Democrats" but it seem inactive. So is there any other region that swings to the Democrat/Liberal specturm?
05-11-2004, 04:30
There is the "International Democratic Union".
This actually is not a reference to the American Democratic Party, but instead a reference to the fact that the nations of this international organization all agree to promote democratic (as in democracy, not American Democratic Party) ideals.
However, in practice, the IDU nations are liberal to centrist, and in my personal opinion welcome many of the same types of platforms and issues that the American Democratic Party supports in the real world. There are no rules that IDU members must identify with or even acknowledge real-world ADP issues / platforms, but we are active on the off-site forum and I'd say very supporative of liberal to centrist ideas.
The IDU nations are fairly UN pro-active, meaning we do support each other and generally enjoy being politically active, but tend to avoid military conflicts.
Of course ... I'm totally biased here. I'm one of the IDU nations. :)
A link to the forum is in my signature, but I'd invite you to at least visit our off-site forum (open to all). If you like the group, you may find we have something to offer if you wish to be active in the UN.
Blue Democrats
05-11-2004, 05:00
Cool man I'll check it out :)
05-11-2004, 06:07
Democratic Underground ( is another you may want to check out. It's a pretty active region.