NationStates Jolt Archive

Need a new region? Old classic needs members

The Gulf States
31-10-2004, 23:48
The Great Plain.

We've been around since April 2003. We're a small, loose knit group of nations with no real goals or strategies. Some of our nations are famous warmongers. We don't have any defense alliances, and some of our nations don't border any others geographically.

Why do we exist? What's our purpose? We just like the company.

Any questions? Interested in joining? Feel free to reply back here or TG me.
Ballou and Territories
01-11-2004, 20:08
I'm interested in your region, I'm going to take a look at it please tell me anything you think would be interesting or helpful.

The Gulf States
02-11-2004, 07:57
We don't have anything too special. We just talk in the regional message board (that one for 10 msgs at the bottom of the region page)

Oh... Belem and whatever Bisons incarnate there is now likely won't turn you into a nuclear crater (or glass.) That can come in handy.