NationStates Jolt Archive

A great region to live in. WWSETI welcomes you.

06-10-2004, 01:20
Greetings Fellow Nation,

WE are a relative “new” region, which are welcome new members. We have 25+ member nations.

Our main interest in the WWSETI Region is Science and Space explorations.

WE are a peaceful region with no friction between the different nations. So, NO war mongers or Nazi are welcome here.

WE now have our own Website and Forum. Come over to our Web site and our Forum .

WE are looking for some serious Roll Players and Involvement in the Regions Development. Others are of cause welcome too. We like to build a really great and interesting region and of cause make WWSETI a BIG region.

WE have Departments for Science, Space Station, R&D, Military, Police, Political Freedom, Justice, Commerce, and much, much more. We even have a Regions World Map.

We are working to make allied with Regions with similar interest.

Should you decide to move your nation to our WWSETI Region (and we hope you do) just follow these steps:
1) Click on "THE WORLD" on the left-hand toolbar
2) Type in "WWSETI" in the find region box at the bottom of the page
3) Click on the link at the top that says ”Like what you see? Move (your country) to The WWSETI today!”
WE would be honored to see you as a member in WWSETI.
WE hope to see you soon!!!

Thank you, I hope that you are not offended that I send you this Telegram, if so, WE apologies to You!!

Prez RealBigSwede of the United Space of Hagge,
& Founder of WWSETI region.
13-10-2004, 20:23
This region is growing. WE now have 29 member nation. So come on and join one of the best regions!! :D
15-10-2004, 23:47
I like to thank the new allied that has come out of this ad.
19-10-2004, 16:11
We now have 32 nations in WWSETI region!! Thank you for moving to our region.

Prez RealBigSwede
22-10-2004, 19:42
We now have 39 Member nation.

Move you nation to WWSET and be part of an expanding region.
Prez RealBigSwede
29-10-2004, 18:22
our forum is really picking up... Come join one of the best Region in the Galaxy!!! :p
31-10-2004, 23:44
Bumpety bump
Lord Vetinari
01-11-2004, 01:01
*Looks in reads... gets a question in the head*

Ursäkta Hagge, men vad är det här med Ingen nazism, porr eller otillbörlig motto o sådant? Varför bryr du dig som grundare över huvudtaget om det? Tänkte inte gräla om det, jag använder inget av det själv, men varför skylta med det? Vad är bakgrunden till det.

Åsikten jag har är att om det inte är så vidrigt att jag själv anser att personen borde sparkas ut så bryr jag mig inte helt enkelt om det, och är det ett direkt regelbrott så kan du själv modfila via hjälpsidan. Så varför skyltar du med det? Jag bara undrar.
01-11-2004, 15:10
Tack för ditt fråga, Lord Vetinari.
Vi har unga mäniskor i våran region. Och jag är i mot nazister på grund av vad dom gjorde med min pappa. (Jag är över 50 år.) Han var i konsentration lager, men var befriad när Danmark var befriad. Porr är för sovrummet, inte för publik syn. Oförskämdheter tycker jag att vi har tillräckligt i spelet, så jag will ha ett område som inte har oförskämdheter mot varandra.

Prez RealBigSwede
Lord Vetinari
01-11-2004, 21:00
Jaja, jag tror personligen att du kanske skrämmer bort nationer från att komma till dig. Men det det är en personlig åsikt. Jag själv har bara en fantasy region där jag bara rekryterar då och då.

For those reading, didn't feel that I had to write the question i english. Didn't feel it was an such important question for the whole NS community anyway. Sorry for that.

Thanks for the answer Hagge
01-11-2004, 22:06
Nice to talk to you, Lord Vetinari. You can alway come to our forum. ;)
02-11-2004, 02:08
[SIZE=3]So, NO war mongers
As that most certainly includes sarcastic masterminds, I am afraid my interest in your region has plummeted.

Good day.
02-11-2004, 05:43
As that most certainly includes sarcastic masterminds, I am afraid my interest in your region has plummeted.

Good day.
That's OK !!! To put it back to you why war and destruction???
02-11-2004, 06:31
That's OK !!! To put it back to you why war and destruction???
I do not hold pleasure in war, though strategy (games) amuses me. I seek global domination…and I’m sure that you can predict the way that will settle with your peace-loving neighbors.

Besides, I am very sarcastic, and full of dry wit, at times. Not everybody appreciates such things.
02-11-2004, 14:31
I do not hold pleasure in war, though strategy (games) amuses me. I seek global domination…and I’m sure that you can predict the way that will settle with your peace-loving neighbors.

Besides, I am very sarcastic, and full of dry wit, at times. Not everybody appreciates such things.
I think world domination is not good. that is why we have a huge defence force. bothe the nation and the region. Co-existence and corporation will get a nation much farther. plus the exploration of space is a huge task which is more important then war.
Lord Vetinari
02-11-2004, 16:35
Err.. after viewing your region I guess you are talking about a strictly RP army and not a UN army?
02-11-2004, 18:43
and what is UN army??
Lord Vetinari
02-11-2004, 20:41
The "old" invader thingy with defenders lurking all over.

You can read partly about such things here ( its one of the stickies in this forum
03-11-2004, 15:07
15-11-2004, 20:36
Hi I'm back!!
I was in the hospital for heart sergery, They have installed 4 stems in to the heart atery. Feeling much better...
So what have happen since last time..

22-11-2004, 15:20
Good morning, or whatever the time is where you sitting.
We are open for new member nations. Come and join a peacefull and friendly region. We are looking for you...
Lord Vetinari
23-11-2004, 02:18
Hi I'm back!!
I was in the hospital for heart sergery, They have installed 4 stems in to the heart atery. Feeling much better...
So what have happen since last time..


Sorry to hear that. Glad to hear you are feeling better
23-11-2004, 03:33
Thanks, Lord Vetinari!!!
Yes I starting to feel like a real man again. You now can call me "SteelHeart" No not ice cold, but red hot!! ;)